Remembering Us Pt2

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 A few minutes later he stood outside Ian's room, he didn't know if he could go in knowing he'd see his best friend, the man he loved laying there fighting for his life. The pretty, young nurse noticed his hesitation and smiled sadly as she spoke gently, placing a comforting hand on his arm.

 "I know it's hard, but he needs you right now. Do you want me to go get your friends?"

 "No, I'm okay. You're right he needs me." Anthony answered quietly, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.

 "Come on." She said opening the door and went inside followed by Anthony.

 "Ian." Anthony whispered as he looked at him lying in the bed, he had so many tubes and wires attached to him, he looked so small and pale, he looked horrible, and he was so...still. Anthony had never seen him that still before and if it wasn't for the monitor showing his heartbeat Anthony would think he was dead!

 "He looks worse than he is. You can sit and talk to him."

 "Can...can he hear me?" Anthony asked sitting beside the bed and took Ian's hand.

 "It's been proven that people in coma's can hear their loved ones."

 "What's your name?" Anthony asked.

 "It's Sara, what's yours?" She answered as she checked on Ian.

 "Anthony." He answered as he stared at Ian sadly.

 "Anthony, I'm a true believer that love can do things even Doctors can't do!"

 "What? Love?"

 "I know you love him, don't you?" She asked gently looking at him.

 "Me? No, I...we're only best friends!" Anthony stuttered, avoiding her eyes.

 "Yes, you do." She said gently as she brushed hair off Ian's forehead.

 " I that obvious?" He asked looking at her.

 "No, it's in your eyes." She answered. "He doesn't know does he?"

 "No, no one does. And now he might never know!" Anthony answered, his voice shaking as he stared at Ian again.

 "Don't give up on him yet Anthony, he's strong he'll fight to come back!"

 "You're right Sara, thanks."

 "You're welcome. I have to go, but if you need me just page me and I'll be here."

 "Thanks." He said as she left. "I don't know if you can hear me Ian, but I'm here and so are Mari and the guys! Fight Ian, fight like you've never fought before! I...we need you!" He begged as his tears fell silently, he couldn't lose Ian!

**A Week Later**:

 It had been seven days, 168 hours, and 420 minutes since he had found out about the accident. There had been no change, so he sat by Ian's bed waiting for him to open his eyes and come back to him. He refused to leave Ian's side, he knew chances were high that when Ian woke there could be brain damage, but he didn't care he loved him and he'd take care of Ian for the rest of his life he needed too! All he cared about was Ian waking up! He sat watching the still form of his best friend and felt tears threaten to fall again, but he refused to cry wanting to be strong for Ian. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, it opened Mari and the guys came in he stood and hugged them.

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