Strangers In The Night Pt7 (Ianthony)

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 Anthony sighed, as he finished getting dressed, the sun had just begun to rise, but he had been up now for a couple of hours. He hadn't been able to sleep well the night before knowing that today was his last day on his train trip; a trip that had changed his life forever. When he had first boarded the train, he hadn't been expecting much out of the trip really, other than to unwind and relax. Fate though has a funny way of putting certain people into your life when you need them the most; whether you know it or not at the time, and fate had done just that to him. Six days ago, he had met Ian; in the beginning of their relationship things had been rocky, but not giving up, Anthony had managed to make things better between them and they were happy together. Everything changed though and their relationship ended two days ago after Anthony had received a phone call from Shayne. He had called to tell Anthony something he had found out about Ian and he had overheard their conversation, ruining their fragile new relationship. He sighed again, as he sat down on the edge of his bed and ran his hands over his face.

 Before he left the train this afternoon, he was going to try again to find and talk to Ian, he couldn't let it end; not like this. So, he quickly left his bunk and went to Ian's, he hesitated for a few seconds, unsure if he should do this, taking a deep breath and clearing his head, he knocked. When he didn't get an answer, he tried again, still not getting an answer he decided to try the Bar Car, hoping he was there. He arrived at the car and went inside, since it was still early there were only three other people in the car besides himself and none of them were Ian. So, he sat down at their table to wait, he needed to find him and make things right between them. After an hour of waiting with no sign of Ian, he sighed shakily and decided to try his bunk again, he got up and quickly left the room.


 Ian paced outside Anthony's bunk, he hadn't slept at all the night before, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened between them and what to do. A half-hour ago he had finally decided to talk to him and tell Anthony everything, if he didn't run away like the others have in the past...then he knew he had finally found his home. When he had first got here though, Ian's courage disappeared and he had started to leave, but he forced himself to go to the door. He froze again, unable to knock, and instead began pacing; he stopped and took a deep breath, as he stared at the door. Finding his courage again, he went to the door and knocked again, this time he called out his name. Still not getting any response, he thought about where Anthony could be and remembered the Bar Car, so he quickly rushed to the car, hoping he'd be there. Going inside he looked around, but couldn't find him anywhere, so he decided to sit at their table and wait to see if he'd show up. After sitting down he sighed sadly, as he looked out the window and thought about Anthony. Being unable to find him though, he began to wonder if maybe this was a sign that they weren't meant to be. He sighed, as he took his watch out and looking at it he realized that it was almost time for Anthony to leave. Refusing to give up, he got up and quickly left the car to look for him again, they were on a train dammit, there weren't that many places he could be.

 After leaving the car, he quickly searched the train; which had by this time gotten busy with everyone getting ready to get off at the upcoming station. Frustrated, he made his way through the people, until he finally made it to Anthony's bunk again, this time though he didn't knock, he opened the door and went inside. His heart broke seeing it was empty, he looked around and saw that all of his things were gone, so he rushed out of the room and back to his own bunk. Once there he quickly packed his stuff, before he checked the time again, there was only an hour left and he still had no idea where Anthony was, dammit.

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