Love Hurts Pt7 (Shaymien)

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 Damien, lay on the end of the couch on his side facing the wall, as he held the blanket tightly, crying silently. While Ian slept on the other end of the couch, and Shayne slept peacefully on the love seat. They had fallen asleep watching a movie together at Ian's house. It's been a month now since Shayne got out of rehab and returned home, even though both Damien and Ian are happy to have him back, Damien's still terrified of him. He tried so hard to move on knowing Shayne's a different person, but the hell he went through because of Shayne was something he couldn't forget and relived every time Shayne raised his voice or worked out with them at the gym. His thoughts were interrupted by Ian's gentle voice.


 "I'm okay, Ian." Damien said, as he quickly wiped away his tears, before he turned to face him, Ian was sitting on the edge of the couch.

 "No, you're not." Ian said gently, as he laid down beside him under the covers. "Come here, tough guy."

 Without another word, Damien cuddled into Ian's arms, and once again, like the countless times before, he cried while Ian held him tight, keeping him safe. Neither of them noticed Shayne watching them, he was slowly getting angry that his brothers were sneaking around to be together, he refused to give up on winning Damien back.

**Days Later**:

 The days passed, and Shayne's thoughts revolved only around Damien. He missed everything about him and what they used to have, he had no one to blame, but himself for losing Damien. He knew losing him was the stupidest thing he's ever done, they belonged together and he'd do whatever it took to win Damien back from Ian. One night, Shayne decided to take Damien out for dinner. First, he asked Ian his opinion about if he should or not and surprisingly he thought Shayne should do it, even offering to help any way he needed. He spent all day getting things set up and finally everything was ready. Damien returned from taking Daisy on a long walk and found Ian watching TV alone.

 "Hey, Ian." Damien greeted him smiling, as he let Daisy off of her leash and she ran to Ian.

 "Hey, D, how was your walk?"

 "Good. Where's Shayne?"

 "I'm right here." Shayne answered smiling, as he came into the room dressed in a suit.

 "Uh, where...where you going looking all fancy-like?" Damien asked smiling, he had forgotten how good Shayne looked in a suit, Ian watched them smiling.

 "Well, I was hoping I could convince you to go to dinner with me?"

 "What?" Damien said, as he began to secretly freak out in his head.

 "Uh, Damien, can I talk to you for a second?" Ian asked, as he got up and grabbed Damien's hand, and pulled him into the kitchen. "Before you start freaking out, let me talk!"

 "Too late!" Damien stated.

 "Damien, look, Shayne put a lot of work into tonight to make it perfect for you. All he wants to do is take you to dinner, he's not expecting you to take him back or anything." Ian explained gently.

 "How do you know?" Damien asked.

 "He told me everything and asked me if he should do it."

 "I...I don't know, Ian."

 "Dames, I won't push you to do anything, but I think you should go, it might help you let go."

 "Yeah, okay...I'll go. Thanks, Ian, I love you, man." Damien said smiling.

 "You're welcome, I love you too. Now get showered and put a damn suit on, Haas!" Ian said smiling, before he left the room to tell Shayne.


 Damien sat across from Shayne, as they both laughed at a story Shayne had just told. Damien was glad that Ian had convinced him to go, he was enjoying himself and for the first time in months, he felt completely at ease with Shayne. The connection and love between them were still there and as strong as always, but Damien wasn't ready to take Shayne back.

 After dinner, Shayne suggested they go for a walk on the beach and Damien agreed. They left the restaurant, and drove to the deserted beach, after parking they took off their socks and shoes, before they got out and began their walk. They talked and laughed while they walked under the full moon, as they did, Damien suddenly took Shayne's hand. His heart pounded, as he looked at Damien and they shared a smile. They continued walking, until they came to a dock and decided to sit down. They sat in silence for a few minutes, before Damien laid his head on Shayne's shoulder. Damien was nervous, but it felt so good to be close to Shayne again, without being afraid of him.

 He looked at Shayne and smiled, as Shayne gently touched Damien's face. This was the Shayne he had fallen in love with...was still in love with. Without thinking, Damien kissed Shayne, it started off shy, but soon grew more passionate. Shayne was the first to pull away, he put his hand on Damien's face again, as he spoke.

  "Damien, I know I messed up. I'm a different person now and I'm willing to do anything, go as slow as you need, whatever it takes to win you back. I love you, I never stopped."

 "I love you too, Shayne, but I...I don't know if I can do this. I know it wasn't really you months ago, but I'm still afraid of getting hurt again, I'm sorry." Damien replied, tears in his eyes.

 "You have nothing to apologize for, Damien. I did this, you've done nothing wrong. Come on, let's go back to the hotel." Shayne said, as he stood and helped Damien up.

 Later that night, Damien was unable to sleep, he was so confused, he was torn between loving and being terrified of Shayne. He decided to sit outside with Daisy, and think.

 "You okay, D?" Ian spoke from behind him.

 "Dammit, Hecox! You scared the crap out of me!"

 "Sorry, D." Ian said, as he sat beside him. "I come bearing gifts."

 "Beer?" Damien said smirking, as Ian handed him a bottle, and he sat beside Damien. "Trying to bribe me to get me to talk, huh?"

 "Would I do something like that...never mind, don't answer that! You never answered my question."

 "Cause, I don't know how to answer it." Damien replied sighing, before he opened his beer and had a drink. "I love him, Ian, but I'm terrified of him! Just when I think I'm able to let him get close again, I...I freeze up and can't do it."

 "Damien, you went through hell because of him, but like you said he's not that person anymore. The choice is yours though, take your time and figure out what you want. Just remember whatever you decide I'll be behind you like always 100 percent." Ian said smiling sadly.

 "Thanks, Ian...for everything, I love you."

 "I love you too, Damien." Ian replied, as they hugged.

 When the hug ended, Damien sighed as he took another drink of his beer and looked at the night sky. Ian was right, Shayne had changed and deserved a second chance, the only problem was how was he supposed to let go of the past so they could have a new future?


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