Drunken Mistake Pt10 (Ian X Reader)

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 I woke up the next morning and lay on my back in my bed; I rubbed my belly, as I thought back to the party last night and the fight with Amanda. I wanted to beat the shit out of that bitch, she doesn't deserve Ian or his love, it wasn't fair, dammit. I decided last night as I lay in bed, that I wouldn't tell Ian what happened...actually, I wouldn't tell anyone, Ian was happy with her and I didn't have the heart to ruin it for him, no matter how much I freaking despised her. I got up and got dressed, before I headed to the kitchen for breakfast. As I went into the kitchen, I saw a note on the fridge from Ian, I smiled, as I took it off of the fridge and read it.

                           Gone to get us breakfast, hope you're hungry. Be back soon.


 I smiled wider, as I placed the note into the garbage and went to the living room to let Daisy back inside from the backyard, just as Ian returned. Seeing me, Ian smiled and handed me my drink, before he put the food down onto the table, we then sat across from each other and he handed me my food.

 "I wasn't sure if you'd feel like eating or not this morning." Ian said smiling, happy to see I was feeling better; he had been really worried about me last night.

 "Why?" I asked confused, as we began eating.

 "I mean Damien had to drive you home last night from the party and Mari told me you weren't feeling good." Ian said.

 "Oh, yeah, right." I replied remembering what happened. "I'm feeling a lot better now; I think I just needed to rest."

 "You sure?" Ian asked concerned.

 "Oh, yeah, I'm good." I said touched by his concern.

 "Good, I'm glad you're feeling better." Ian said smiling, as we continued eating. "So, I was thinking we'd stay in tonight, maybe order some takeout and binge some really crappy T.V.?" He suggested smiling.

 "That sounds great, but instead of ordering takeout, let me make dinner?"

 "Wait, hang on." Ian said, as he laughed a little. "You...you cook?" He asked still smiling.

 "Hey, unlike you and Anthony, I know how to cook, thank you very little." I replied smiling.

 "Wait, hold on." Ian said surprised. "All these years you've known how to cook, but you never cooked for us?"

 "You guys never asked." I answered smiling, as we both laughed. "I'll make it up to you tonight; I'll even make you your favorite dessert, a delicious chocolate cake."

 "That's sweet, but you don't have to." Ian replied smiling.

 "I know I don't have to, I want to though." I said smiling, as I was already planning out what I was going to do.


 Later that afternoon, knowing I had to go grocery shopping for what I needed for my special dinner, I texted my Smosh family to see who could drive me. The only one who wasn't busy right now was Lasercorn, so I asked him if he could take me and he agreed. He picked me up, took me to the store and lifted all the heavy stuff for me. After I got everything I needed, we went back to the house and again he carried all of the bags inside for me to the kitchen. He helped me unload them and I thanked him and promised to make him something special for doing this for me. After he left, I began making my special spaghetti and garlic bread, while that cooked I made Ian's favorite chocolate cake for dessert. When everything was ready, I set the table and went to change; I was so excited and couldn't stop smiling about tonight. Having dinner alone with Ian, I could pretend that we were together enjoying a romantic dinner. When everything was finished, I went back to the living room, just as Ian came home from work, he looked exhausted.

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