Strangers In The Night Pt5 (Ianthony)

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 Anthony finished getting dressed after his shower, and headed back to his bunk on the train. When he got there it was empty, but there was a note on the bed, smiling he put his stuff away, before he made the bed. He then sat down on the edge of the bed and read the note, it was from the gorgeous, mysterious man he had met on the train three days ago Ian. The note said to meet him in the Dining Car for breakfast in 20 minutes. Anthony put the note on the nightstand, as he sighed and looked out the window, thinking about everything that's happened to him since he boarded the train four days ago, including meeting Ian. After spending a couple of days trying and failing to get Ian to talk to him, he had finally succeeded, and after spending the night talking they had made out, but that was it two nights ago. Yesterday, they had had lunch together and then spent time talking about different things. 

 Anthony was so curious about Ian, but he wasn't willing to talk about himself and Anthony didn't want to push him. He wished Ian would tell him something though, he wanted to know everything there was to know about him. He was so attracted to Ian physically and personality-wise and wanted to actually make something out of this attraction, but couldn't if Ian wasn't even willing to tell him anything about himself; they were doomed to remain strangers. After they ate they went into another car and just talked and watched the scenery go by. Finally, Anthony decided to bring up his childhood, hoping that he could learn something about Ian's in return. Ian wouldn't though and they ended up fighting over it, Anthony apologized, before Ian left. Anthony watched him leave silently, he felt horrible for what happened. Ian obviously had his reasons for not wanting to talk about himself or his past and he should have accepted it and let it go, dammit.

 He didn't see or speak to Ian the rest of the day, he lay in bed later that night thinking of what happened, when someone knocked on his door. He opened it to find Ian, but before he could ask if he was okay, Ian had kissed him. They ended up making love, afterwards, they lay together talking. Anthony tried to apologize, but Ian wouldn't let him, telling him he had nothing to apologize for, then he apologized to Anthony. He told Anthony that he hasn't shared his past with anyone in a long time, whenever he had in the past things always ended badly for him and he wasn't ready to have this thing between them end yet. He then promised Ian that he wasn't like those others in his past, he won't hurt him and he needed to let someone in, before he ends up alone for the rest of his life. Ian then agreed to tell him, but not right now and Anthony agreed.

 This morning, after talking to Shayne, Anthony had watched Ian sleep, remembering what Shayne had said to him. He had missed out on so much because he was afraid to take risks. Being with Ian though, he felt things that he hasn't felt in a long time and he's only known him for a few days. Honestly, the connection they shared scared him; especially knowing that soon he'd be home and he might never see Ian again. That thought made his chest tighten and it was hard to breathe. There had to be a way to get Ian to come with him; Ian never did say where he was going, so maybe he could convince him to come stay with him. He had regretted missing out on enough because he didn't take risks and he refused to let Ian become just another regret. He sighed again, as he looked at his clock and realized he was late to meet up with Ian. He quickly got up and rushed to the door; he opened it and found Ian standing there ready to knock, holding coffees and a bag of food containers.

 "Ian." Anthony said smiling. "I was actually on my way to meet up with you."

 "Well, I thought maybe we could have breakfast in bed?" Ian replied smiling, as he held up the bag. "Then afterward for dessert, we could have each other." He added smirking, before he kissed Anthony passionately.

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