Masquerade Pt6 (Ian/Courtney)

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 Ian paced the break room at work, waiting for Damien to get back; he had gone to run an important errand for Ian. As he waited for Damien to get back, Ian sat down on the couch and began to think about how he was about to do the only thing that terrified him...tell Courtney that he loved her. Two weeks ago, he had decided to finally tell her and he was terrified, but knew he needed Courtney. He had talked to Damien the day after his coffee with Maya, and after more reassuring words from his friend, Ian knew this was the right thing to do. For the last two weeks, Damien and Ian have been secretly setting up a surprise for Courtney, that was set to happen in two days. His thoughts were interrupted by Damien returning to the office, Ian smiling, stood, and spoke.

 "Is everything ready?" Ian asked nervously.

 "Yep, I checked and we're ready to go in two days like planned." Damien answered smiling.

 "Hey, guys, we're back." Courtney said, as she came into the room with Noah and everyone's lunch order.

 "I...I uh, have to finish a script. I'll see you guys later." Ian said, before he left the room and went to his office closing the door behind him.

 "I'm going to tell everyone that the food's here." Noah said smiling; not noticing the tension between Ian and Courtney, before he left.

 "Dammit, Damien, he's still avoiding me." Courtney said sadly, as sat on the couch.

 "Don't worry, Courtney, he'll come around." Damien assured her, as he sat beside her.

 "It's been a month, Damien, and he won't even stay in the same room as me, unless we're filming." She stated defeated.

 "I know, but give him time and he'll come around Courtney, I promise."

 "How can you be so sure?" She asked sighing.

 "Love always wins in the end, Court." Damien answered, as he hugged her.

**Two Days Later**:

 Courtney sighed, as she lay on her back on her couch, staring at the ceiling. She was completely miserable; she loved Ian more than she's ever loved anyone in her entire life. She's loved him for two years, and now, thanks to one stupid mistake, everything between them had changed, they weren't even friends anymore. She missed Ian, she missed being close to him, and the bond that they shared, now that Ian was completely avoiding her, except when they were at work and even then things were tense. Her heart ached, she began to cry silently when she heard someone knock on her door. Sighing sadly, she got up wiping her tears away, and went to the door. Opening it she found Damien standing there smiling, holding a clothing bag with a note attached to it.

 "Uh, Damien, what's going on?" She asked confused.

 "This is for you, Miss. Miller." Damien answered, as he handed her the bag.

 "Thanks." She said confused taking it.

 "Have a good evening, ma'am." Damien said, before he turned and walked away.

 "Okay, now that was just weird. Maybe, Damien's nickname should be crazy, instead of Ian." She said, as she shut the door and opened the note.


      You've been invited to a private Masquerade party at 7:00. Wear this and be waiting downstairs for your ride by 6:45.

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