Saving Her Pt11 (Shartney)

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 The hospital room was quiet, Shayne sat in the chair beside the bed, holding Courtney's hand, she had fallen asleep again. They were alone, Ian and Damien had gone to talk to Doctor Grant. As Shayne watched her sleep, he began to think about his life with her and their brothers and how they had ended up here at this moment. His thoughts were interrupted by Courtney's quiet voice, he turned to her and smiled.

 "Hey, Court, how you feeling?"

 "Okay, I guess." She answered. "Where are Ian and Damien?"

 "We're right here." Damien replied smiling, as they came into the room.

 "Where...where's Fox?" She asked nervously.

 "Work, Connor called and told us so we could come to see you." Ian said, as they sat beside Shayne.

 "Courtney, have you thought about what we talked about yesterday?" Shayne asked gently.

 "I...I can't." She said quietly, unable to look any of her brothers in the eyes.

 "Courtney, baby, if you don't, Fox could kill you." Shayne said upset, so scared he could lose her, he squeezed her hand gently. "We could finally be free to be together like we always wanted."

 "Courtney, we don't want to lose you because of that son-of-a-bitch. He doesn't love or care about you, like we do. Please, end this." Ian begged.

 "Courtney, he put you in the hospital, the next time he might kill you. We couldn't handle that if anything happened to you." Damien added upset.

 "I...I can't, I'm too scared." She replied. "What if he gets off, huh? What then? Then he'll come after us and finish what he started, I...I don't want any of you hurt because of me."

 "He won't get away with hurting you, Courtney, I promise you." Shayne said, wanting to kill Carter himself for making her so scared.

**Days Later**:

 The days passed, and they were running out of time to convince her to talk to the Police. In two days Courtney would be released from the hospital and back into Fox's arms. The three of them worked closely with Doctor Grant and Connor trying to get Courtney to talk to the Police, but her fear was stopping her.

 Meanwhile, Fox continued to play his part of the concerned, loving boyfriend, knowing there was nothing anyone could do to stop Courtney from coming home with him. He knew Topp, Hecox, and Haas were working with Doctor Grant, but he wasn't worried, knowing that without Courtney saying anything, they couldn't prove a damn thing. He wasn't worried that she would say anything, he knew that she was too scared of him; just the way he liked it. And in two days she would be coming home and after she did they were leaving town for good and no one would come between them ever again.

 Courtneylay in her hospital bed, she was slowly healing from her injuries and wasgetting out of the hospital soon. The thought of going back to Fox terrified her,but the thought of anything happening to Shayne, Ian, and Damien because of herscared Courtney even more. She could end it though, she could putFox away for good, all she had to do was talk to the Police and tell them thehell she went through. Doctor Grant would give the Police all of her medicalreports to back up her claims, Shayne, Ian, and Damien would be by her sidethrough it all...she could do this! She needed todo this, she didn't want to be a victim anymore.


 A couple of hours later, with Doctor Grant, Shayne, Damien, and Ian, by her side, Courtney got ready to tell the two Detectives about the years of abuse at the hands of Fox. She held her brother's hands tightly, she looked at them, before she took a deep breath and began talking; holding nothing back. It felt so damn good to finally admit everything, taking back her power from Fox. After she was done, Ian then told them about Fox shooting him months earlier, not wanting that the bastard to get away with anything.

 After telling them everything, the Detectives sent Officers to find and arrest Fox, they thanked Courtney and left with Doctor Grant to get the medical reports. Once gone, the guys hugged Courtney, all three so proud of her, Shayne kissed her, before he spoke.

 "We're so proud of you, baby. Because of you, that son-of-a-bitch won't be able to hurt you or anyone else ever again."

 "What if he..." Courtney began, but was cut off by Shayne kissing her again.

 "Courtney, baby, stop." Shayne said gently, as he held her face in his hands, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs softly. "Fox will never hurt you again, he's going to spend the rest of his worthless life in jail."

 "You did it, Court, you're finally free." Damien added smiling.

 "Aw, how sickeningly sweet, am I interrupting?" Fox spoke from the doorway.

 "What the hell are you doing here, you bastard." Shayne demanded, as he, Ian, and Damien stood together at the foot of Courtney's bed, blocking his way.

 "Well, I came to check on my Courty, but I overheard you three lying to our favorite girl and thought I should stop you." Fox answered smiling, as he walked closer to them. "It's not nice to lie, boys."

 "She's done being your punching bag, you bastard." Damien said angrily.

 "That's right, I heard you grew a backbone and talked to the Police, Courtney. Is that supposed to scare me? Am I supposed to beg for your forgiveness and shake with fear because I'm so scared?" Fox mocked smiling.

 "You won't be so smug when your ass is behind bars, where your money can't protect you, asshole." Ian replied.

 "That's precious how you think I'm going to jail."

 "We don't think, we know." Shayne answered smiling.

 "Have you all forgotten who I' am? I'm Fox Carter, I always get what I want. Remember that when I come for what's mine...Courtney and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me."

 "You're never getting near her ever again, you son-of-a-bitch. You hear me, asshole?" Shayne said angrily, as he clenched his fists and stood toe to toe with a smiling Fox. "I'm going to keep her safe no matter what I have to do even if I have to get rid of you myself."

 "Is that a threat?" Fox asked still smirking, unmoved by Shayne's words.

 "Nope, it's a promise." Shayne answered smiling.

 "Ah, Mr. Carter, there you are, we've been looking all over for you." A male voice said from behind them.

 "Well, Detectives, you found me." Fox said, as he turned to face them still smiling. "Shall we, gentlemen?" He added, as he held his arms behind his back, his eyes locked with Courtney's.

 The Detectives put him into cuffs and read him his rights, before they turned to leave, Fox stopped and smiling spoke.

 "See you soon, guys."

 "Let's go." The Detective holding onto Fox ordered, as he gently shoved him towards the door.

 "It's never going to end." Courtney said upset, after they were gone.

 "Yes, it will, Courtney, we promise." Ian said, as the three of them went back to her and sat beside her, Ian and Shayne on either side of her and Damien beside Ian. "He's going to jail, he'll never hurt you again."

 "The only way this is going to end is if one of us is dead." Courtney stated crying.

 Shayne got onto the bed with Courtney and held her close, Ian and Damien held her hands. No one spoke, none of them knowing what to say, Shayne was beyond pissed, he hated seeing Courtney so scared and he had had enough. He had made Courtney a promise that this would end and it was...he was going to kill Fox himself!


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