Love Hurts Pt10 (Shaymien)

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 Damien sat down at the table in the cafeteria at work alone waiting for Ian and Shayne to join him. He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, as he stared at his untouched food; his appetite gone and sighed. As he sat there he began to think about his life and how out of control it was right now. Neither of them had told Ian about the hit, they had only told him that they were giving their love another try and he was so happy for them. Since that night their relationship has been tense, Damien was numb and not truly in it, but he faked it for Shayne. His thoughts were interrupted by his brothers joining him with their food; Shayne sat beside Damien, while Ian sat across from them.

 "Hey, D, we got the campaign!" Ian announced smiling.

 "Awesome! Those assholes, Martian and Roger, have been taking campaigns from us for too damn long; it's about time we take one from them!" Damien said, faking his smile, as his brothers began eating.

 "Hey, you okay, babe?" Shayne asked gently, as he and Ian noticed that Damien hadn't touched his food yet, Shayne put a hand on Damien's back, causing him to tense, which neither Ian or Shayne had noticed thankfully. "You're normally done your food by now."

 "Uh, yeah, I'm fine, just not really hungry, I had a late breakfast." Damien lied smiling.

 "You sure you're okay?" Ian asked, unsure if Damien was telling the truth.

 "Positive!" Damien replied. "I can't wait to show those assholes that they're not the only ones who do a kick-ass campaign." He added, changing the subject.

 "Us too, I'm sick of hearing them run their damn mouths." Ian added with Shayne agreeing, Ian still wasn't sure what was going on with Damien, but he knew his brother well enough to know his changing the subject meant the topic was dropped for now, that didn't mean he was going to forget about it though.

**Days Later**:

 A few days later, the trio were at the gym together working out; Ian was on the treadmill, while Damien and Shayne were lifting weights together. As Ian worked out, he watched Damien closely, there was something off about him; there has been for a while now, but Ian didn't know what it was. Damien seemed quiet, withdrawn, and constantly lost in his own head, but whenever Ian would ask him about it, he just blew him off; claiming he was just tired and Ian had no choice, but to believe him. That still didn't take away the feeling that something was wrong with his brother and so he decided to try a different approach and ask the only other person who knew Damien as well as he did; Shayne, and see if he knew anything.

 He got off the treadmill and used his towel to dry off, as he watched Damien head to the locker room alone. Sighing, Ian put the towel around his neck and walked over to where Shayne was still lifting weights.

 "Hey, man." Shayne greeted him smiling, as he continued lifting.

 "Hey, Shayne."

 "Something wrong?" Shayne asked concerned, as he put the weights down and looked at him.

 "Yeah...I mean I think so, honestly, I'm not sure," Ian answered sighing, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

 "What?" Shayne asked confused.

 "Have...have you noticed something off about Damien lately?" Ian asked.


 "Yeah, he seems different, you know? Too quiet...not him." Ian tried to explain.

 "Yeah, I've noticed too. He swears he's fine though, if something's wrong, he isn't talking about it." Shayne replied sighing, as he grabbed his towel and began drying off.

 "Typical Damien." Ian added sighing. "I'd feel better though if I asked him myself. I'll catch you in a bit, okay?" He said, Shayne smiled and nodded.

 Ian patted Shayne on the back smiling, before he walked away to find their missing brother and hopefully figure out what was going on. When he went into the locker room he found Damien sitting on one of the benches; showered and changed back into his street clothes. He sat with his back to Ian, staring into space, this was so unlike Damien, and seeing him like this made his worry grow. He went to say something, but stopped when he spotted the bruise on Damien's upper arm, after he moved his sleeve and began gently rubbing it; Ian's heart dropped.

 "Ian, you okay, man?" Damien asked noticing his brother, he stood.

 "What happened to your arm?" Ian asked.

 "Oh, this?" Damien replied, as he lifted his sleeve revealing the large, ugly-looking bruise, Ian could only nod. "A gift from my collision with Daisy this morning on the stairs, I was running late and she tripped me on the last few steps making me fall. I'm just lucky I didn't dislocate my damn shoulder or break something." Damien answered smiling.

 "Damien, you'd tell me if something...anything, was going on, right?" Ian asked.

 "Of course, I would, Ian, but there's nothing going on, I swear." Damien lied, hoping Ian believed him.

 "Damien, I'm begging you, if there's anything going on between you and...Shayne, tell me, please?" Ian pleaded, knowing Damien wasn't telling the truth.

 "Ian, I'm fine! There's nothing going on, okay? So, please, just drop it!" Damien answered.

 "Alright, okay, it's dropped. I'm sorry, D, I just don't want you to go through that again, I love you." Ian said, before he hugged him.

 "I know, Ian, I love you too." Damien replied, as the hug ended and they pulled away. "I'm going to go see if Shayne's ready to leave. I'll see you in a few minutes, okay?"

 "Yeah, okay." Ian replied smiling, as Damien smiled too, before he left the room.

 After Damien was gone, Ian sighed as he rubbed his hands over his face. Even though Damien swore he was fine and there was nothing going on between him and Shayne, Ian's gut feeling wouldn't go away. He'd just have to keep a closer eye on his brothers and the second he thinks something's wrong, then he'll end it; no matter what he had to do! Until then, all he could do now was wait, watch and hope he's wrong!


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