Revenge Pt6

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**With The Detectives**:

 It had been a long week, with no end in sight! The press conference hadn't produced anything other than dead ends. The Detectives knew time was running out with each second that passed without anything solid to help find them. They had spent countless hours around the clock going through Miranda's entire background and following up on every dead lead. Despite going through most of her background they still had more to look at it, but so far they still had found nothing they could use to find Ian and Anthony. Carter was out checking out another lead, while Stone stayed behind to continue searching through her background. He had been doing it for an hour now, but hadn't found anything yet, until he suddenly came across the name of an Uncle. He had seen the name somewhere before, but couldn't remember where so he quickly began going through the info he had already searched trying to find it again. As he did, Carter returned from yet another dead end, he saw Stone and watched him silently before speaking.

 "What's going on?" Carter asked, as he came into the room.

 "Does the name Richard Kingsley mean anything to you?" Stone asked, as he continued searching through the stacks of paper.

 "Umm...should it?" Carter asked confused, as he picked up the papers Stone had found the name on and began to read them. "Wait...Kingsley? That's the mother's maiden name right?"

 "Yeah, she was Elizabeth Kingsley before she married. Why?" Stone answered, as he stopped searching and looked at his partner.

 "I read in one of the files about an Uncle on her mother's side...he was killed in a shoot-out with the Police when Miranda was four. He had a cabin out in the country where he lived off the radar for years." Carter answered.

 "Did it say what happened to the property?" Stone asked.

 "Hang on, let me check." Carter said as he went to a stack of papers on his desk and began going through them until he found the paper. "Got it! It says here that the cabin and property were left to Miranda's mother who then gave it to Miranda when she was old enough to leave home at 20. After that, no one knows what happened to it or if the cabin is even still standing." Carter read.

 "Wait, we checked for properties listed under Miranda's name and her parent's names and we found nothing." Stone said confused.

 "Maybe they left it under the Uncle's name?"

 "Let's run it." Stone said going to the computer, he typed in the info and they waited for the computer to do its search.

 "If no one's used it since he died, it's a good possibility they kept his name on the deed."

 "Got something." Stone said, as he pulled up the results. "We got her now! Call for backup, she's not getting away this time, dammit!"

**With The Guys**:

 After Anthony left, Ian suddenly felt very alone and very vulnerable, he wished he had talked him out of going back. After waiting anxiously for a few minutes listening and making sure he was truly alone, he slowly and painfully dragged his body to the side of the ditch and sat against it. He wasn't a religious man by any means, but at this moment he prayed to whatever God that was out there that if she came this way she wouldn't see him and keep going. He was too weak to fight back, his body broken and battered. Every noise sent his heart racing, he wasn't sure how much more he could take, he was finally broken! The longer Anthony took the more bad thoughts ran through Ian's head; what if she found Anthony and had killed him?

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