Revenge Pt2

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**Two Weeks Later**:

 She sat in her car tapping her fingers impatiently on the steering wheel as she looked at her watch for the fifth time. She had been sitting in the parking lot for a half-hour waiting for him to be done at work. He should have left 10 minutes ago and she was losing her damn patience! She looked back at the building across the street and smiled as he finally came out talking on his phone to someone. She waited until he had hung up and got into his car before he pulled out and began driving home. She pulled out too and followed him, the roads weren't too busy considering it was 1am and raining, so she had no worries about being spotted. Her eyes never left the road as she waited for the perfect moment to put her plan into action...a few more seconds and they'd reach the turn!

 With no hesitation, she pulled out from behind him and sped up looking like she was just going to pass in front of him. As soon as she pulled in front of him though she braked hard, he saw her and before he hit her, he swerved onto the side of the road. His tires spun on the gravel and loose dirt as he tried to correct himself, but it was too late and he slid down into the ditch only stopping when he hit a tree. She was about to stop and get out when she noticed a set of headlights coming in the opposite direction, cursing out loud she sped up and turned into the other lane to make it look like she was coming from the other direction. She saw the car stop and its two occupants got out having spotted the car; she pulled over and got out as one of the men raced back to their car.

 "Is something wrong, sir?" She asked.

 "Yes, there's been an accident! I'm calling 911 now while my brother checks on the driver." He answered pulling out his cell phone and called for help, she grew angry that her perfect plan had been ruined and took off to her car driving away furious that her chance to get him was interrupted. 

**With Anthony**:

 He couldn't sleep, he was totally exhausted, but no matter what he did, he just couldn't sleep. He had the weirdest feeling in his stomach; it wasn't a stomach-ache though. He couldn't really figure out what it was, he just knew he began to feel it a half hour ago and it wouldn't go away. He sighed frustrated and looked at his clock, it was 2am, so he decided to go watch TV maybe that would help. He got out of bed and went to his door; he opened it and stepped into the dark hallway. The house was dark and quiet and he wondered if Ian had made it back yet; Ian had decided to stay late at work and do some editing. Anthony went to Ian's room and was surprised to find his door open and him not there. Figuring he was still at work, Anthony went into the living room and lay on the couch turning on the TV. A few minutes later his phone began to ring; he got up, went to the kitchen counter where he had accidentally left it earlier, and answered it without looking at the number, thinking it was Ian.

 "Ian, I was sleeping, dude. Where..."

 "Is this Mr. Anthony Padilla?" Asked an unfamiliar female voice.

 "Yes, this is he!"

 "Mr. Padilla, this is Mercy General Hospital. Do you know a Mr. Ian Hecox?"

 "He's...he's my best friend." Anthony answered leaning on the counter, his heart beating fast.

 "Mr. Hecox has been in an accident tonight and we need you to come down here as soon as you can."

 "I'm...I'm on my way!" Anthony said hanging up, without waiting for any response from her, he then phoned Mari to tell her, he needed his friends right now. "Mari, its Anthony." He said when she answered, his voice shaky with tears.

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