Saving Her Pt5 (Shartney)

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 Shayne paced the hospital waiting room nervously, while Damien stood staring out the window silently, as they waited for any news on Ian. Shayne stopped pacing and joined Damien at the window; he stared out the window into the night and sighed shakily, trying not to cry again. He wasn't just scared about Ian, he was scared for the now missing Courtney too. He sighed again as he thought about what happened, after Fox shot Ian, he took off with Courtney. Shayne and Damien went to check on Ian, but he told them to go after Courtney instead. They raced after them, but were too late, they drove away in Fox's car, just as they reached the parking lot, they returned to Ian and called 911. Shayne's thoughts were interrupted by someone coming into the room; he quickly wiped his tears away, before they turned to face the person.

 "Ian?" Shayne said happy to know he was okay.

 "Hey, guys." Ian replied quietly, his arm bandaged and in a sling, they hugged him.

 "Are...are you okay?" Damien asked when the hug ended.

 "Uh...yeah, or I will be in a few days. Bullet went in and out of my shoulder clean, so I have stitches and I'm in a sling for a few days, but I'll be fine." Ian explained sighing shakily. "Guys, he...he has Courtney. What are we going to do?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

 "I...I don't know, Ian, but I do know we will find him." Damien answered, before they hugged him again.

**With Courtney**:

 Courtney lay on the hotel bed in the dark, her right arm handcuffed to the bed, she lay there crying silently, while Fox slept peacefully beside her. She was scared that she had just watched Fox kill her brother, she had no idea if Ian was alive or not, Fox had taken her right after he shot Ian, she had fought to get free as hard as she could, but he was stronger than her. After leaving, they had driven around for a while, Fox had called his private pilot, but was told they couldn't leave town until tomorrow. So, pissed off, Fox found them a hotel for the night, as soon as they were inside, he had handcuffed her to the bed. Once she was unable to escape, Fox began hitting her; punishing her for leaving. When he was finished he forced himself on her, thankfully, it was over quickly and he had gone to sleep soon after. Now that she was alone she cried, she had never felt so helpless and alone in her entire life. Fox rolled over to face her and Courtney's heart began beating faster as she realized he was awake.

 "I'm going to make sure you never leave me again, Courty." Fox said, as he put his hand on her cheek and ran his thumb gently across it. "Those three idiots will never get near you again, you hear me?" He asked, but she didn't answer, she turned her head away from him, angrily he grabbed Courtney's face forcing her to look at him, as he leaned closer. "Answer me!"

 "I...I heard you." She said scared, as she stared into Fox's cold eyes.

 "Good girl." Fox said smiling, as he let her face go, before he kissed her, she closed her eyes tight, as her tears fell silently.

**Three Days Later**:

 Courtney sat alone in the living room of the house she had once shared with Fox, but was now her prison. It had been three days since they returned and she was completely miserable, she was a prisoner again and her heart was broken knowing she'd never see Shayne, Ian, and Damien again. She couldn't do anything or go anywhere alone now, Fox had hired bodyguards for her, which only added to her feelings of being trapped. She needed to find a way to escape and get back to her brothers.

 Meanwhile, knowing Fox would have taken Courtney home, the three guys returned home too. All three were wrecks, they not only missed Courtney, but they were worried about her too; scared about what Fox would do to her. They refused to give up on saving her, they had made her a promise that they'd protect her and they had failed her once, they wouldn't a second time.

 "Damien?" Shayne said, as he came into the kitchen to find Damien standing alone by the window, staring outside, Ian was asleep.

 "Yeah?" Damien replied, as he turned to face him.

 "You okay, man? You've been standing there alone, staring out the window for the last five minutes." Shayne asked.

 "I was just thinking about Courtney." Damien answered sadly. "Shayne, we failed her! Dammit, we promised to keep her safe and we failed!" He said upset.

 "Dames, we will get her back I promise." Shayne said, as he hugged him.

**A Week Later**:

 Courtney paced the bedroom, Fox was in the bathroom getting ready to go on a two-day business trip, leaving her alone. Of course, he wasn't stupid, he may be leaving, but he wasn't leaving her unsupervised. She needed to figure out a way to get word to her brothers somehow, Fox had taken her cell phone and the only computer was packed in his suitcase.

 "Let's go out to dinner tonight before I leave?" Fox suggested, as he came back into the room.

 "Sure." She answered, no emotion in her voice, knowing she really didn't have much choice.

 "Get changed, I have a few phone calls to make first, we'll leave in a half-hour. We'll go anywhere you want, baby." Fox said, before he kissed her.

 10 minutes later, she was changed, Fox was downstairs in his office still on the phone. She quickly grabbed the laptop and locked herself in the bathroom, before she sent Shayne a quick email. Once she was finished, she quickly put the computer back in Fox's suitcase exactly as she had found it. She had just moved away from the bed when he returned to the room.

 "Ready, baby?" He asked smiling.

 "Yep." She answered faking her smile.

 Meanwhile, Shayne sat at his computer, he had been trying to find anything they could use against Fox to break his hold over Courtney, while Ian and Damien were making them some dinner. Suddenly, he noticed he had a new email, he looked at it and his heart beating fast he called out to them.

 "What's wrong?" Ian asked, as they quickly came into the room.

 "I just got an email from Courtney!"

 "Courtney? Are you sure it's not some kind of trick?" Damien asked, as they sat beside Shayne on the couch.

 "I...I don't." Shayne answered, as he opened the email.

 "What's it say?" Ian asked nervously.

 "Shayne, Ian, and Damien, I'm okay, I love and miss you guys so much. I'm, I'm begging that Ian's alive. Fox is going away for two days on a business trip, I'll be going to his office tomorrow at 1:00 pm to pick up some stuff for him before he leaves, but I won't be alone, I'll be with my new bodyguards. Bring a phone and leave it in the bushes by the front doors, I'll contact you from it when I can, I love you three so much." Shayne said, as he read the email out loud.

 "We'll go get the phone now, but I don't remember the address of his office. Do either of you remember it?" Ian said.

 "Yeah, I do, we'll go there an hour early and scope the place out. We will get Courtney back, guys." Shayne said, before they hugged.

 "You're damn right we are. That son-of-a-bitch is going down!" Damien replied, as they got up and left.


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