Love Hurts Pt6 (Shaymien)

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 Damien paced the backyard alone, grateful for the space from Ian and Shayne. He loved both of his brothers and cherished every minute he had with them, but truthfully, he was still scared of Shayne! Damien stopped pacing and crouched down, leaning his back against the house, as he chewed on his thumbnail, his mind racing. He never noticed Ian watching him, until he spoke gently to him.

 "D, you okay?" Ian asked, as he crouched down beside him.

 "I'm trying, dammit, I' am, Ian, but having him back fucking terrifies me!" Damien answered.

 "Dames, I promised you before Shayne came back that I'd never let him touch you again and I mean it. I won't let him anywhere near you, he'll have to go through me first!" Ian said, as he took Damien's hand and squeezed it. "I love you, Damien."

 "I love you too, Ian, I'd be lost without you, brother."

 "Uh, guys?" Shayne spoke.

 "Yeah, Shayne?" Ian answered, as they stood.

 "Our food's here."

 "Let's eat." Ian said smiling, as he laughed, causing both of his brothers to laugh too.

 They headed inside, and sat together at the kitchen table, Shayne had seen the little exchange between his brothers and it made him upset thinking that something was going on between them. Even though he had changed, and loved both of his brothers, Damien was his and he'd do anything, go through anyone; including Ian to get him back!


 Shayne stood outside with his brothers playing with Daisy. As they did, Shayne noticed how uncomfortable Damien was, how he couldn't stop moving around more than usual, but worst of all were the tender shared looks between Damien and Ian and how Damien stuck to Ian like glue. That used to be him, that Damien did that to and now, Shayne felt like a stranger on the outside looking in, and it hurt!

 "You okay, dude?" Ian asked, breaking into his thoughts.

 "Yeah, just excited to be back here with my brothers." Shayne answered smiling, as he put his arms around their shoulders, he didn't miss the way Damien flinched away slightly from his touch, but acted like he did.

 A few minutes later, they decided to go work out at the gym together; it got them out of the house, and was something they enjoyed and could do together. After grabbing their stuff they went together in Ian's car; Ian drove, Damien in the passenger's seat, and Shayne in the backseat. A while later, they were at the gym doing their own things, Damien not away far from Ian. While Damien watched Shayne hitting the punching bag, he found it harder and harder to stay calm, with each hit he landed on the punching bag, Damien remembered every time Shayne had struck him, causing him to become unable to stand still; which thankfully, went along with them working out. Ian was the only one who realized what was going on with his brother, he had known this would happen and knew they needed to go home soon before Damien snapped.

 Despite Damien's secret meltdown, he was still able to finish his workout without any problems. After changing, they went back home, as soon as they were home, Damien needed to escape! Both of his brothers watched him get out of the car silently, and quickly go inside Ian's house, but neither of them spoke or tried to stop him.

 "Shayne, he just..."

 "No, Ian, this fault. I did this to him and even though it hurts like hell...I'm going to have to accept that he's not able to forgive me. I don't blame him, I hurt him too deeply. I know he tried to let go and forgive me, even after all I did and said to him, that's just the kind of person he is. How can he forgive me though, when I almost..." Shayne trailed off, closing his eyes tight, the memories too painful.

 "Shayne, he still loves you, but he needs time to heal. He knows you've changed, but what happened isn't something you can just forget. It's going to take time, just give him space and let him come to you." Ian reassured him, before they hugged. "I love you, Shayne."

 "Thanks, Ian, I love you too, brother." Shayne said sadly.

 "I'll go find him and make sure he's okay." Ian said, Shayne nodded.

 After he left, Ian went after Damien already knowing where to find him. He went to the backyard and found him sitting in the grass holding Daisy close, talking to her, it hurt Ian to see him like this.

 "D, you okay?" Ian asked gently, as he sat beside him and began petting Daisy.

 "I tried, Ian, I tried so damn hard to let go and move on! I know what happened was because of the damn alcohol and that he's changed, but I can't forget anything he did to me!" Damien answered upset.

 "Dames, no one is expecting you to just forgive and forget. I'm so proud of you for the way you're handling this, you're a lot stronger than you think. There's no time limit, Damien, go at your own pace, do what you can, and remember no matter what happens I'm behind you 100 percent."

 "How the hell can I move on into the future, Ian, when I'm not even living in the present...I'm stuck in the damn past! I'm still scared of him, Ian, I look at him and all I see is the same man who beat me, instead of the man he used to be!" Damien said, as he cried.

 Ian didn't say anything else, he just took Damien into his arms, holding him tight as Damien cried. Ian still believed his brothers belonged together and he'd help them find their way back to each other, but he wouldn't let Shayne hurt Damien ever again.

 Meanwhile, Shayne had followed Ian and witnessed the exchange between his brothers, but he wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying. Seeing the way they held each other, how Ian whispered in Damien's ear and how tightly Damien held onto Ian made Shayne's heart ache and his anger grow, knowing now that something did happen between them while he was gone! It didn't matter though, he was back and he would get Damien back no matter what he had to do!


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