Baby Love Pt4 (Ian/Damien)

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 Ian sat at his desk in his office at work, he was alone right now, the rest of the Smosh family was doing their own thing around the office. Ian used the time by himself to think about how much his life had changed for the better over the last seven months. It's been four months now since they met Zander, and they were still waiting for the call telling them that Zander could come home. They had done everything Catherine wanted them to do without complaining; multiple home visits, she had talked to Shayne, Courtney, and the rest of the Smosh family, as well as some of their other friends and families, among many other things. While they waited, whenever they could all four of them would go visit Zander; they had even brought the rest of the Smosh family with them at different times to meet him, when they couldn't visit him they called and sent him gifts. Ian tried to stay strong, but he was tired of doing everything Catherine and the agency wanted them to do and they still didn't have Zander home with them and he was slowly losing hope they ever would. His thoughts were interrupted by Damien, Courtney, and Shayne coming into the room.

 "You ready, babe? It's almost time to film." Damien asked smiling.

 "Yep." Ian replied, at least their work would distract him for a while.

 "Let's go, boys." Courtney said smiling.

**Two Months Later**:

 Damien sat on the couch in their living room, Ian, Courtney, and Shayne had gone to work out. Damien, Courtney, and Shayne knew how frustrated and upset Ian was and how he tried to put on a front for Damien's sake. All three of them were just as frustrated by everything as Ian was, but Damien refused to give up hope that Zander would come home. Damien sighed as he got up to go for a shower, but his phone ringing stopped him. He picked it up off of the table and saw it was Catherine calling, he quickly answered it, just as Ian, Courtney, and Shayne returned to the house. They listened anxiously to Damien's side of the conversation, Ian paced nervously, finally, Damien hung up and looked at the others with no emotion on his face.

  "Well? What...what did she say?" Ian asked nervously, he stopped pacing and Courtney took his hand.

"She, um, she called to let us know the decision about the adoption." Damien answered.

 "And?" Shayne asked.

 "We've been..." Damien began, but trailed off, tears in his eyes.

 "I love you, Baby Boy, but if you don't tell us what the hell she said I'm going to lose my damn mind!" Ian said upset.

 "It's been approved!" Damien answered smiling.

 "It what?" Ian asked in shock, as he looked at their smiling faces, not sure if he heard him right.

 "We've been approved, baby! We're dads!" Damien repeated smiling through his tears.

 "We're dads...I'm a dad!" Ian said smiling, before he hugged Damien.

 After hugging Damien, Ian hugged Shayne and Courtney, before Damien hugged them, all four of them were so happy and excited. After a few minutes, they calmed down and Damien told them about having to go sign the final papers tomorrow at the courthouse, and in two days they could bring Zander home. Damien called their families, Courtney, and Shayne called the rest of the Smosh family, while Ian went to have a shower. As he showered, he thought about the adoption, he couldn't believe it, they were dads...holy shit, they were dads! He had no idea how to be someone's dad, how the hell was he supposed to raise Zander and not screw him up? He got out of the shower, got dressed, and returned to the living room.

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