Saving Her Pt14 (Shartney)

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 Courtney lay tied up to the bed, her wrists and ankles raw from struggling to get free. She lay back down and heard the four guys, in the living room arguing with the men who held them captive. She began to struggle again, knowing she had to get free or she'd be killed, after a few seconds, she gave up again and lay back down, thinking back to how this waking nightmare began. Her thoughts were interrupted by Fox's voice in the hall outside the door talking to one of his men. Terrified, hearing Fox send his guy back to the living room with the others, Courtney began struggling harder to get free, as the door opened.

 "You might as well stop struggling, baby, you're not getting free. And your so-called saviors won't be coming to your rescue."

 "F-Fox, please don't do this, please!" She begged, as he shut and locked the door.

 "I do love it when you beg, Courty." Fox said smiling, as he went to the bed and sat beside her.

 "Let...let them go and I'll leave with you, I swear! Just please, don't hurt them!" She begged, as she looked at him, tears in her eyes.

 "Aw, baby, I'd like to, I really would, unfortunately, I can't. You see, they took something that belonged to me...twice and they need to be punished." Fox said smiling, before he slapped her hard across the face. "I missed you so much, baby." He added, before he kissed her, Courtney fought to pull away.

 Fox stood up, and smiling moved away from the bed, before keeping eye contact with her, he began undressing. Knowing what Fox was going to do, she began struggling again. She wasn't the same person any more thanks to her brothers and she was going to fight back until she couldn't anymore!


 The guys sat silently together on the couch, tied up. All four knew Fox was going to torture Courtney, to hurt and break all five of them, before he killed them and there was nothing they could do to stop him. Minutes after Fox left the room, they heard the first of Courtney's many screams. As soon as they did, without thinking of their own safety, they all stood to go save her, but were hit with the butts of the guns Fox's men had which knocked them back down. They didn't care though and continued fighting to get to her, but they couldn't get past them no matter what they did. So, they were forced to listen to her screams, as Fox did whatever the hell he was doing to her.

**With Courtney**:

 Courtney lay on the bed, she had been beaten and raped. She had fought to get free with everything she had, but now she had no strength left to do it any longer. Believing she was too weak now to fight back or escape, Fox undid her wrists and ankles. When he was done he put her clothes back on her, before he sat beside her and spoke, as he touched her face gently.

 "Courtney, Courtney, Courtney. All of this is your fault, baby. If only you had stayed with me where you belonged, none of this would have happened, and your friends wouldn't be hurt right now." Fox said, as he sighed. "Now, because of you, not only are you going to die, but so are those four bastards...very slowly." He added, before he kissed her. "Goodbye, Courty."

 She waiteduntil he went into the bathroom to get cleaned up and dressed. Forcing herselfto get up, fighting through the intense pain, she got off of the bed and usingthe wall for support went to the dresser. Once there, she quickly looked in hisjacket, until she found his gun. She turned and smiling, pointed the guntowards the bathroom door. Seconds later, Fox came out and saw her, smiling he spoke, as he slowly walked closer unmoved by the gun.

 "Aren't you precious." Fox said, as he stood in front of her.

 "This ends tonight, Fox." Courtney stated angrily.

 "Put the gun down, Courtney. We both know you don't have it in you to pull the damn trigger. Just give me the gun before you hurt yourself." Fox mocked, as he came closer.

 "You're forgetting, Fox, that I'm not the same person I was before."

 "You're wrong, Courtney. You'll always be that weak, pathetic, loser you've always been. Once I'm done..." Fox began, but was cut off by Courtney smiling, as she cocked the gun.

 "Go to hell, you son-of-a-bitch!" Courtney said, as she pulled the trigger twice.

 Hearing the gunshots, the guys lost it and even though they were tied up, they fought Fox's men knocking them all out; fueled by fear and anger. Once all the men were down, they raced to the bedroom, but found the door locked. They began pounding on it, trying to get in, as they called Courtney's name. Getting no response, Ian ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, and returned to them.

 "We'll never get in, if we're tied up! Here!" Ian said, as he gave the knife to Shayne.

 Shayne cut Ian free first, Ian then cut Shayne, Damien, and Connor free too. Once they were free, together they kicked the door in and went inside. Not seeing Courtney or Fox, they began looking around. Shayne went to the other side of the bed and froze seeing Fox's lifeless body on the floor, two bullets in his chest. He told the guys who quickly joined him, Shayne looked in the corner and saw Courtney. She was sitting there with her knees to her chest, staring at Fox; the gun still in her hand.

 "Courtney!" Shayne yelled, as they rushed to her and knelt in front of her. "Courtney, baby, can you hear me?" He asked, as he held Courtney's battered face gently with both hands.

 "Shayne, Ian, Damien, Connor?" She asked confused, as she looked at all four of them. "I...I shot him." She said in shock.

 "It's okay, baby, it's going to be okay, I promise." Shayne said gently.

 "Give me the gun, Courtney." Ian said gently, Courtney looked at the gun, before she handed it over slowly. "I'm going to go call 911." He added, as he got up and quickly left the room with the gun.

 "Here, Court, put this around you." Damien said gently, as he grabbed a blanket from off of the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders.

 "Damien, I...I killed him, didn't I?" She asked quietly still staring at the floor, Damien looked at Shayne and Connor sadly, before he looked back at her.

 "Don't worry, Court, okay? We're going to take care of everything and you, alright?" Damien answered, as he put one hand on the side of her face, his other hand took her hand and squeezed it gently.

 "I...I think I'm going to get sick." She said trying to get up, as her tears fell silently, she suddenly froze seeing Fox's body. "I...I killed him, Shayne! I..."

 Courtney didn't finish, she passed out falling into Shayne's waiting arms. Ian returned a few seconds later without the gun and all four men sat silently with Courtney waiting for the Police and Paramedics to arrive. As they kept watch over her, they heard sirens pull up outside and they looked at each other, knowing they'd do whatever it took to protect Courtney. Seconds later, the Police with guns drawn rushed into the room. The four men looked at them sadly, before they looked back at Courtney. They heard an Officer radio for the EMTs, as other Officers rushed into the room. Shayne looked at Fox's body, before back down at Courtney in his arms and sighed shakily. The realization that Fox could no longer hurt anyone anymore hit him like a ton of bricks. Even though he was dead, the five of them still had a long road ahead of them, but they'd be okay...Courtney, would be okay, because they still had each other.


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