Opposites Attract Pt5 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien sat at his usual table in the restaurant, waiting for Shayne to join him for lunch. He really needed to talk to him about Ian. After their kiss, Ian's been avoiding him for the last two days now and it was really bothering him. Damien's thoughts were interrupted by Shayne joining him.

 "Hey, man." Shayne greeted him smiling, as he sat across from him.

 "Hey, Shayne." Damien greeted him sighing.

 "Alright, what the hell is going on?"


 "First, Hecox has been moodier than normal, and now you're acting like someone just told you your puppy died." Shayne said frustrated.

 "Alright, I'll tell you everything." Damien answered sighing again.

 "Good, cause Hecox told me to screw off when I asked him about it." Shayne replied annoyed.

**Days Later**:

 Ian lay on his bed staring at the ceiling, as he once again thought about the kiss with Damien that never should have happened! He was such an idiot, he just had to fall for his roommate, when he had vowed to himself to never let another person into his heart after having it broken too many times before. He really liked Damien; sure the guy was obsessed with things being neat and he was high maintenance, but he was also a sweet, kind, naïve, good-looking, smart guy...which meant he was too good for Ian.

 Since kissing Damien, and then telling him it was a mistake, Ian had spent the last week avoiding him. He knew he couldn't keep avoiding him forever and there was no way he was going to get into a relationship of any kind with Damien; hell, he had never been the relationship type, having no clue how to be someone's boyfriend. So, his only option was to move out and hope that Damien would forget him. He decided to move into a hotel for now, until he could find a small apartment in town. He knew it was the coward's way out, but he couldn't stand to hurt Damien anymore.


 Damien returned home from work and didn't see Ian's car in the driveway, so he figured he was out, still avoiding him. He sighed, as he got out of his car and headed inside the quiet house, he took his stuff off and went to his room, shutting the door behind him. He changed, before he sat on his bed and began to think about Ian again. It's been a week since their kiss and it felt good to finally tell Shayne everything; including how he was falling hard for Ian. Shayne promised to help talk to Ian since he was avoiding him, but so far, he refused to talk to even Shayne about it. Damien decided to have a quick dinner before Ian got home, so he left his room and went into the kitchen, where he saw a piece of paper on the table addressed to him. Confused, he sat down and opened it, the note was from Ian.


 I know this is the coward's way out, but I had to do it. Thank you for all you've done for me, you let me move in and you became my friend. I had to leave though after what I did, it was a mistake, Damien! I'm not the kind of guy you need...deserve, so I'm leaving, so I won't hurt you anymore. Goodbye, Damien, I'm so sorry.


 Damien sat staring at the note, tears in his eyes as he realized that Ian cared about him too, but didn't think he was good enough to be with him. He was wrong though, so completely wrong! He got up still holding the letter and went to Ian's room, he knew he wasn't there, but knocked anyway secretly hoping that this was a joke. After getting no answer, he opened the door and went into the now empty room and his tears fell as the realization that Ian was truly gone hit him. He sat on the bed and looked around heartbroken; he had never felt like this before and needed Shayne's comforting words. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Shayne's number, calming down long enough to tell him what happened, seconds later, his brother answered.

 "Hey, Damien, what's up?"

 "He...he's gone, Shayne." Damien said sadly, trying not to cry again.

 "Gone? Who is?" Shayne asked confused.

 "Ian, he moved out."

 "What? Are you sure?"

 "Yeah, he left me a note, and his stuff is gone." Damien answered.

  "Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

**Later That Night**:

 Ian sighed, as he lay on the bed in his hotel room, propped up against the headboard, drinking a beer, as he watched TV. He couldn't stop thinking about Damien, he felt like shit and missed him like crazy, but he refused to go back, refused to hurt him. His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on his door; he ignored it until he heard Shayne's voice.

 "Ian, open the damn door, dude! I know you're in there, your car's here!"

 Ian sighed again, as he got up and put his beer on the dresser, before he went to the door and opened it.

 "Hey, Ian."

 "Hey." Ian replied, as Shayne came into the room.

 "Nice...uh, place you got here." Shayne said smiling, as he looked around the small, rundown room.

 "It's a shitty, little room, okay? It's the best I could afford though, so give me a tiny break here, alright, Shayne, please?" Ian said sighing, as he sat down. "Let me guess...you came here to convince me to go back to Damien's?"

 "Ian, look..."

 "No, you look, Shayne, I'm not going back, so drop it or get out!"

 "Okay, I'm sorry. Wanna watch TV?" Shayne asked smiling, quickly changing the subject.

 Ian smiled, as he got Shayne a beer and they sat together to watch TV. Ian knew Shayne would try again, but he wouldn't change his mind. Damien deserved someone better...he deserved anyone but him.


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