Rescue Pt3 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien sat inside the Police mobile command center outside the school, staring at the blank TV monitors on the wall, a radio held tightly in his hand. He hasn't moved from this spot since he sat down an hour ago, he was alone right now Shayne was outside talking to their Captain and the head of the bomb squad Grant. Damien sighed, and closed his eyes fighting back tears, as he thought about Ian. Damien sighed again shakily, as he opened his eyes and wiped a tear away, his heart breaking knowing that Ian was hurt and alone! He stared at the screens again, as he thought back to how this nightmare started. His thoughts were interrupted by Shayne returning to the command center, Damien didn't look at him, his eyes never left the monitors, as he spoke.

 "There hasn't been anything from him for over two hours, Shayne." Damien said quietly, his voice laced with tears.

 "Don't give up on him, Dames, he needs!" Shayne said gently, as he sat beside him.

 "I'll never give up on him, I love him! I...I want to believe that he survived, but...he isn't invincible, Shayne! He's being crushed by a damn can he still be alive?"

 "Ian's too damn stubborn to die, Dames, you know that! It'll take more than a building to take him from us!" Shayne said, before he hugged Damien.

 "I...I can't lose him, Shayne." Damien whispered crying, as he held tightly to Shayne.

 "We won't, I promise!" Shayne replied.


 Ian slowly opened his eyes again, unsure how long he'd been out. He remembered what happened, he had been talking to his brothers and Grant about their plan to get him out, when suddenly the support beams gave out and the building collapsed, he had passed out after more debris fell on him. When he woke the pain was worse than before, it was harder for him to breathe and he couldn't feel his legs. He tried to move his arms, but realized his left arm was now trapped under debris; his only free arm was his right and he could barely move it.

 His radio was silent, he didn't even know where it went or if it still worked. He began coughing, which only sent pain flooding through his entire body, he groaned, as he tried breathing through the pain. He closed his eyes and began to think back to happier times with his brothers. He felt a tear fall, as he kept his eyes closed, he pictured his brother and boyfriend. He opened his eyes and couldn't believe he was just giving up when he had two people who needed him to keep fighting for them! He knew the first thing he had to do was find his radio and let them know he was still alive. It was dark and hot, he wasn't able to see anything or move very much, and being on his back added to the difficulty of finding it. He began searching with his right hand, after a few seconds of searching around his body, he couldn't find it; he sighed frustrated, and breathed through the pain. He needed to find something he could use for a light, but what? As he thought, he remembered his flashlight on his belt, so ignoring the pain, he reached on his right side and tried to grab his flashlight. It wasn't easy, but after struggling for a few minutes, he finally grabbed it and pulled it off of his belt. Once it was in his hand, he needed to rest, every part of him hurt. A few minutes later, he tried to turn it on, but nothing happened, refusing to give up he tried it again and this time it came on.

 Smiling, he shone the light around, trying to find his radio, but being on his back he couldn't really see much. He didn't see anything on his right or left side and his lower body was covered, so he couldn't tell if it was by his feet. The only place he hasn't looked was above him, so slowly he put his head back and shone his flashlight above him and finally saw it. Still facing the radio, he closed his eyes and sighed, it wouldn't be easy to reach, and he knew it would hurt like a bitch, but he had to do it! So, he put his flashlight on the ground near his head, where he could still use it to see, and tried reaching for the radio, but no matter how hard he tried it was just out of his reach. Refusing to give up he reached for it again, sweating, in extreme pain, and cursing out loud, he finally managed to grab it! Smiling again, as his right hand held tightly to the radio he passed out again.

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