Saving Her Pt15 (Shartney)

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 Shayne stood silently looking out the window in the hospital waiting room, Ian, Damien, and Connor sat together in the hard, plastic chairs silently. The four men were waiting nervously for any news on Courtney, who was being taken care of by the Doctors. As they waited, Shayne sighed shakily, as he thought back to how their nightmare began. All four guys refused to leave Courtney's side and went in the ambulance with her. At the hospital though, they weren't allowed to go with her, and instead, they were checked out too. After they were done, they spoke to the Police and told them everything. As they talked to the two Detectives, all four had the same bad feeling about one of the Detectives; he seemed to want to see Courtney get into trouble for Fox's death, despite his partner believing them. It's been a couple of hours since they arrived, and they still haven't seen or spoken to anyone about her and all four were worried. Suddenly, the waiting room doors opened, all four turned towards it and saw a familiar face enter...Dr. Grant.

 "Dr. Grant?" Shayne said surprised, but happy to see him.

 "Hey, guys." Dr. Grant greeted them, as they joined him and shook their hands. "I was hoping I'd never see you guys under these circumstances again."

 "Yeah, us too." Damien replied sighing.

 "Well, as soon as I heard Courtney was here to be taken care of, I took over her case."

 "Really? That makes us feel so much better." Connor said smiling, relieved to know that Courtney was being taken care of by the best. " is she?"

 "Well, she's been severely beaten again; I'm guessing this is more of Mr. Carter's work?" Dr. Grant asked, all four of them nodded sadly. "Of course, it is. Well, her injuries are cuts and bruises all over her body; she received close to 100 stitches in total. She also has a concussion, her nose, left cheekbone, and three ribs are all broken; until the swelling in her left eye goes down I'm unable to determine if there's any damage to it. Lastly, she's been...raped repeatedly as well."

 "Dammit!" Shayne said upset, feeling like he had failed her again.

 "I've given her some pain medicine and she's resting comfortably now."

 "I...I should have been able to..."

 "No!" Connor said upset, cutting Shayne off. "Shayne, none of this is our fault. We couldn't do anything to stop that son-of-a-bitch...we tried dammit, but we couldn't."

 "Connor's right, Shayne, we were tied up and under guard. There was nothing we could have done to help her." Ian said gently.

 "Shayne, son, Courtney needs you four to be strong for her right now. Blaming yourselves won't help her." Dr. Grant added. "At least now there should be enough evidence with everything I have and what was found at the scene to put Carter away for a very long time."

 "Um, you don't know, do you?" Damien asked quietly.

 "Know? Know what?"

 "Fox is...dead., she shot and killed him." Shayne explained sadly.

 "Dead?" Dr. Grant repeated shocked.

 "That's right, and I'm going to make sure justice is served for that." An angry, male voice spoke from behind them.

 "Excuse me?" Dr. Grant said angrily, as they all turned to look at the two men. "And you two are?"

 "We haven't been properly introduced, I'm Detective Thomas Benson and this is my partner Eric Reed; we're in charge of Miss. Miller's case."

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