Stand By Me (Damien/Courtney)

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 Traffic was light as EMT Damien Haas and his best and partner EMT Shayne Topp, drove back to the station after finishing a call at the hospital. Both men were tired after working a double shift, but they didn't care. Both men loved their job, and they were good at it, they were not only popular with their fellow EMTs, but with all the Doctors, Nurses, and their patients too. Today was the busiest they've been in a while, it seemed like they'd just clear a call and another one would come in.

 "Can we stop for 10 minutes and grab lunch? I'm starving, man." Shayne asked.

 "Yeah, I' am too. What do you..." Damien began, but was cut off by their radio coming to life with another call, this time a car accident.

 "Looks like lunch will have to wait...again." Shayne said sighing, as he turned on the lights and sirens.

 They pulled up to the scene and got their things, before getting out, they went to talk to the officer in charge. They found out what was going on, before they rushed to one of the cars, when they got to it they found there was only one person in the car, the driver.

 "Hi, ma'am, we're going to help you, I'm Damien, and this is my partner Shayne. What's your name?" Damien asked.


 "Alright, Courtney, we're going to take good care of you and get you feeling better, okay?"

 "Okay...I'm scared." Courtney said tears in her eyes.

 "Don't be, we're going to take good care of you I promise." Damien replied smiling.

 Damien and Shayne began to check Courtney out, when an Officer rushed over to them needing their help with another crash victim, Shayne went leaving Damien alone with Courtney. Despite the situation, both Damien and Courtney were attracted to each other, having Damien near her calmed Courtney's fears somehow. Courtney wasn't seriously injured, which was a relief, but Damien noticed that her left leg was trapped under the steering wheel.

 "Okay, Courtney, I need to go get my partner. Your left leg is trapped and I can't get it out by myself. I'll be..."

 "No! Please, don't leave me, I'm scared." She begged, her fear returning, as she grabbed Damien's hand, surprising him.

 "Okay, I won't go anywhere." Damien said, squeezing her hand gently. "I'll just radio him instead."

 "Thank you." She said quietly, embarrassed, as she let Damien's hand go.

 Damien radioed Shayne and told him about Courtney, Shayne told him that would let the firefighters know so they could free her. Damien thanked him and told Courtney, who suddenly, got a sharp pain in her stomach, Damien, quickly checked her out and realized that she could have internal bleeding. Seeing the concern in Damien's eyes, she became even more scared and spoke weakly.

 "It''s not good, is it?"

 "You could be bleeding internally." Damien explained gently.

 " I going to die?" She asked scared, tears in his eyes.

 "No, I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" Damien answered seriously, staring into her eyes.

 " have pretty eyes." She said smiling, before she closed her eyes.

 "Thanks, I...nope, open your eyes for me, Courtney, come on, you need to stay awake, and talk to me." Damien said, as she slowly opened her eyes again. "Good, that's it, why don't you tell me about yourself, huh?" He said, as he radioed Courtney's condition to Shayne.

 Damien stayed with Courtney, keeping her calm and awake, while he did all he could do to take care of her with what he had. Courtney was grateful that Damien was with her, she knew she'd never be able to repay him for all he's done for her. Damien might just be doing his job, but to her what he was doing for her meant everything.

 "D...Damien, I'm scared."

 "You're going to be fine, I promise and I never break a promise. To prove it, when you're better I'll take you out to dinner." Damien said smiling, squeezing her hand gently.

 "Really,'d do that?" Courtney asked shyly.

 "Sure, Courtney, I like you." Damien admitted.

 "I...I like you too, Damien."

 Before anything else could be said or done, Shayne returned with two firemen. Damien held Courtney's hand while the firemen freed her, once she was free, Damien and Shayne quickly got her onto a stretcher and into their ambulance, Shayne drove, while Damien took care of her in the back. When they reached the hospital, they took her inside to a room, Courtney was sad thinking she'd never see Damien again. After talking to the Doctor and Nurses about her, they had to leave and go back to work. As they left the hospital, Damien couldn't stop thinking of Courtney, as they got into the ambulance Shayne spoke.

 "You did good, Dames." Shayne reassured him gently, as he squeezed Damien's shoulder softly.

 "Yeah." Damien sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. "I hope so."

 After their shift was over, Damien changed and grabbed his bag, before he walked out with Shayne to their cars. After saying goodbye and hugging Shayne, Damien got into his car and pulled away, he was exhausted, but he needed to see Courtney.

 Courtney lay in her hospital bed, she felt a lot better...physically, but her heart hurt missing Damien, it was weird to her that she barely knew him, but she missed being with him. She stared at the ceiling, when someone knocked on her door, before they came in.

 "Damien." She said smiling.

 "Hey, Courtney, you're looking better than the last time I saw you. How you feeling?" Damien asked, as he sat beside Courtney's bed.

 "" She admitted, blushing a little, as Damien smiled at her, that's when she noticed how tired Damien looked. "You look exhausted, you should go home and sleep."

 "I' am, but I wanted to check on you first." Damien replied still smiling.

 "I'm going to be fine, thanks to you. Thanks for everything you did for me, Damien." She said quietly.

 "You're welcome, Courtney. I should go and let you rest."

 "Yeah." She said quietly, as she looked down at her lap.

 "Hey, do you like Italian, Court?" Damien asked smiling.

 "First off, Court? Secondly, what?" She asked smiling, as she looked at him.

 "Court, it's your new nickname. And I was thinking for our dinner date we'd go get Italian....unless you don't like Italian?" Damien answered.

 "I'd like that." She replied smiling even bigger.

 "I'm sorry, but I really need to get some sleep, I'll see you sometime tomorrow though." Damien said yawning, as he stood. "You get some sleep too." He added, before he gently kissed her cheek close to her mouth. "Night, Court, sleep sweet." He said winking.

 "Night." She replied blushing, before he left.

 When she was alone, Courtney smiled, as she touched her cheek, she could definitely get used to having him around. If everything went well on their date she'll be getting more than just a kiss on her cheek.


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