Opposites Attract Pt6 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling in the dark. It was three in the morning, but he just couldn't shut his brain off, his thoughts revolving around one man; a man he never thought he'd fall for, but did. He sighed, as he picked his phone up off of the nightstand and began looking through the many pictures on it of himself, Shayne, and Ian; the man he had fallen hard for. It's been three months now since Ian left, he's had no contact at all of any kind with him, leaving Damien heartbroken. His only comfort was when Shayne would tell him how Ian was, but those were only empty words. He put his phone back on the nightstand and rolled onto his side, pulling the blankets over his head, forcing himself to go to sleep.

**Days Later**:

 Days passed, and Ian was completely miserable. He missed Damien like crazy and felt like shit for leaving like he did, but he honestly thought it was for the best; he refused to hurt Damien. Ian sighed, as he sat down in the break room at work and had a drink of his coffee. He rubbed his hands over his face, he was such an idiot for letting Damien fall for him...for falling for Damien; after vowing never to do it again, having his heart broken too many times before! No matter how hard he tried though, he couldn't stop his heart from wanting Damien. He'd only hurt Damien, so by staying away from him he could forget Ian and find someone worthy of his love. His thoughts were interrupted by Shayne joining him at the table.

 "Hey, man." Shayne greeted him.

 "Hey, Shayne." Ian replied, as he took a drink of his coffee.

 "You finish those brakes yet? I'm free I can..."

 "Look, Shayne, you can stop worrying about me, okay? I'm fine, really." Ian said smiling cutting Shayne off, as he played with his coffee cup.

 "I can't help it, man. You're my brother, Ian, it's my job to worry."

 "Well, don't, okay." Ian replied.

 "Have you thought about what I said last night?" Shayne asked.

 "No, and I'm not going to either, Shayne." Ian answered sighing. "I told you already, I'm not going back to Damien's and I'm not calling him either. So, just drop it, okay?" Ian said angrily, as he got up and left the room.

 Shayne sighed, he knew how Damien felt about Ian, he had told him two days after the kiss. Shayne was so happy, he had hoped that would happen, he wasn't expecting Ian's reaction to everything though. He knew Ian had had a shitty life in the past, but he had no idea why he was pushing love away? He loved both his brothers and wanted them to be happy and that would only happen if he could figure out what was going on with Ian. He decided he'd force Ian to tell him tonight, even if he had to tie his crazy ass up to do it.


 Ian sat on the lumpy couch, in the small, rundown hotel room he was living in, Shayne sat beside him. They were eating pizza and drinking beer, as they watched TV. As they did, Ian had a funny feeling that Shayne was going to try and talk to him about what happened...again.

 "Alright, Shayne, let's get this over with." Ian said sighing, as he put his beer on the table.

 "Get what over with?" Shayne asked playing dumb.

 "Don't play stupid, Shayne, I know you and you're up to something."

 "Alright, I...I wanted to talk to you about Damien." Shayne answered.

 "I knew it!" Ian said upset, as he stood.

 "Ian, look I'm worried about you. Ever since you and Damien kissed you...you've changed. All I want to do is help you, please just tell me what's going on?"

 "Fine! You want me to admit that I like Damien? That the only damn thing I think about is that adorable, naive, shit? Or, that I'm scared shitless of being in love? Is that what you want from me, Shayne?" Ian yelled angrily, as he paced.

 "Ian, stop." Shayne said gently, as he stood in front of him.

 "Stop what?" Ian asked, as he stopped pacing.

 "Stop letting those voices in your head keep you from being happy. Ian, you are an incredible guy, who had a shitty past, but that shouldn't stop you from having a better future...a future with Damien. I get it, I do, Ian, you've never had a normal, healthy, relationship with someone and that scares you. Shouldn't you at least give Damien a chance to prove he's not like all those other assholes?" Shayne asked gently.

 "What if I hurt him? Dammit, Shayne, I'm...I'm not like you or him, I'm just...me." Ian said sadly.

 "What's wrong with that? Ian, you need to stop believing all those bullshit things that people who don't know you have said about you. I love you just the way you are, brother, and more importantly, so does Damien." Shayne said, before he hugged him.

 "Thanks, Shayne, I love you, man."

 "Anytime, I love you too." Shayne replied, as the hug ended. "I gotta go, promise me you'll at least think about what I said."

 "I will." Ian answered smiling.

 "Good, I'll pick you up tomorrow for work, night, Ian."

 "Night, Shayne."

 After Shayne left, Ian sat on the couch drinking his beer thinking about everything Shayne had said. He knew he was right, but actually doing what he told him to do wasn't going to be easy. He wasn't sure he could, but he promised Shayne he'd think about it. And that's what he was going to do...think about how much of a cowardly screw-up he was.


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