Saving Her Pt10 (Shartney)

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 Shayne sat in the office at the hospital with Ian and Damien, as they waited for Doctor Grant to come talk to them about Courtney. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened. His thoughts were interrupted by Doctor Grant coming into the room, after greeting them, he sat at his desk, Shayne spoke.

 "Thank you for seeing us, Doctor Grant."

 "No problem, Mr. Topp, now what can I do for you three?"

 "We wanted to talk to you about our sister Courtney Miller." Ian answered sighing. "Were you able to pull her medical files?"

 "My Nurse did and I had a chance to look through it."

 "So, you noticed then that in the last three years alone, she's been in the hospital on numerous occasions?" Shayne asked upset.

 "I have, yes." Doctor Grant answered sighing.

 "In your opinion, what does all of that look like to you?" Damien asked.

 "In my professional opinion, Mr. Haas, I'd have to say...that it's very likely Miss. Miller is being abused."

 "Finally, someone other than the three of us sees it." Shayne said smiling.

 "Unfortunately though, without proof like Police reports of prior abuse or Miss. Miller's confirmation of it, all I can do is contact the Police with my suspicions. Believe me, I wish there was more I could do, but legally my hands are tied, gentlemen." Doctor Grant explained.

 "There's nothing else you can do? She's our sister, please, Doctor Grant if she leaves with Fox she'll end up..." Ian trailed off, unable to think about Courtney dying, let alone say it.

 "I understand your frustrations, I really do. There is one thing I can do for now, I can keep her here a few more days for observation, in the meantime, you three need to get proof of the abuse."

 "Thank you, Doctor Grant." Shayne said, all three of them relieved she'd be safe for now.

 "I'll call the Police to come talk to Courtney, while she's here I'll also do my best to get her to talk to me. I'll call you when I can get you in to see her alone."

 "Thank you again, Doctor Grant...for everything." Damien said, as they shook his hand and left.


 After leaving Doctor Grant's office, knowing they couldn't see Courtney anymore tonight, they decided to go home. They stopped at Ian and Damien's places so they could grab some clothes, before they returned to Shayne's house. Needing to keep themselves distracted, they made themselves dinner, they had just sat down to eat when someone pounded on the door. Shayne answered it to find an angry Fox standing there, he barged into the house and began yelling at Shayne, Ian and Damien hearing him quickly joined them.

 "I should have killed you three when I had the damn chance!" Fox yelled. "I know you three had everything to do with the Police coming to talk to Courtney and me tonight! And somehow I know you three are also the reason why she's not able to leave the hospital for a few days now!"

 "What's the matter, Carter? Afraid the Police are going to find out about you beating  on Courtney?" Shayne taunted smiling.

 "Courtney will never tell them shit! You really think she's stupid enough to rat me out?"

 "The truth will come out, Carter, one way or another, and you'll spend the rest of your pathetic life behind bars!" Damien answered angrily.

 "I always knew you three were stupid, but now I know how completely idiotic you really are. Don't you three get it? Courtney is mine, she always will be and there's not a damn thing you or anyone else can do to change that."

 "Courtney isn't your property you son-of-a-bitch! She loves and belongs with us!" Ian yelled, wanting to beat Fox's face in so badly, Shayne and Damien held him back. "You're nothing but a cowardly piece of shit, try hitting me, you bastard!" He added, as he tried pushing past Shayne and Damien, but they kept him back.

 "She loves me, Fox, not you. Why can't you leave us alone and let us be happy?" Shayne asked upset.

 "Why, because she's mine, that's why you, big idiot! You three are going to realize soon that bad things...very bad things happen to people who try and take what's mine!" Fox warned them angrily.

 "Is that a threat? Are you threatening us?" Damien demanded, as he let go of Ian and stood toe to toe with Fox.

 "Oh, no, I don't make threats, ladies, I make guar-damn-tees." Fox answered smiling, before he turned and walked out.

 "That slimy, piece of shit! Who the hell does that bastard think he is coming here and threatening us?" Damien yelled angrily.

 "Guys, calm down." Shayne said gently, they looked at him shocked.

 "What? How the hell are you so calm after what he just said?" Ian questioned.

 "Easy, I'm not playing his game." Shayne answered smiling.

 "Game?" Ian and Damien said together confused.

 "Fox isn't stupid, guys, think about it. If we attack him like he wants, then everything we've said about him looks like lies and we become the bad guys. He's setting us up." Shayne explained sighing.

 "Dammit, I never thought about that. So, what do we do then?" Damien asked, realizing the mistake Shayne had just saved them from making.

 "We do what we were originally going to do. We get the proof of Courtney's abuse and have that son-of-a-bitch put away for the rest of his miserable damn life." Shayne answered.

 "How? What if she won't talk to the Police? She's terrified of Fox." Ian asked upset.

 "We do it with her then, we'll go talk to her, reassure her that she's safe and be by her side when she tells the Police everything." Shayne answered.

 " you think it'll work?" Damien asked unsure.

 "I hope so, guys, it has to, dammit, we're running out of time. We need to get Courtney away from Fox before he kills her." Shayne answered sadly, as he hugged them.

 All three of them knew that this might be their last chance to save Courtney and they refused to give up, not wanting to lose her. They didn't know what would happen next, but they did know that in the end, Fox would be out of their lives for good, either behind bars for the rest of his worthless life, or...dead.


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