The Bet Pt7 (Ian/Damien)

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 Ian sat in the passenger's seat of the rented car he was riding in, while Damien drove. They were on their way to the next stop that Damien had planned for their special, romantic day alone on their shared vacation to Hawaii. As Damien drove, Ian looked out the window silently, his guilty conscience making it hard to enjoy himself. He sighed quietly, as he thought about the stupid bet he had made with Shayne and how because of it the lives of all four of them will be changed forever. He had managed to make it through breakfast and then the couple's massages, but now that they were on their way to whatever Damien had planned next, Ian could feel his guilt growing and he wasn't sure how much longer he could do this. His thoughts were interrupted by Damien speaking, as they pulled up to an empty field and parked.

 "We're here!" Damien announced smiling.

 "Here? Here, where?" Ian asked confused, as they got out of the car and he looked around.

 "Our next stop." Damien answered, as he walked over to him and took his hand.

 "Uh, Baby Boy, we're in the middle of nowhere." Ian said, so confused.

 "I know." Damien replied smiling, still holding Ian's hand, before he turned to walk away.

 "Really? Well, you know, if you wanted to be alone with me, Dames." Ian began smirking, as he pulled Damien back to him and held him close, before he began kissing his neck. "We could have just stayed at the hotel."

 "Easy there, Horn Dog!" Damien said laughing, as he gently pushed Ian off of him and put a little distance between them. "I didn't bring you out here for that." He added, trying to hide how badly he wanted Ian.

 "Well, why did you then?" Ian asked frustrated.

 "To do that!" Damien answered smiling, as he pointed behind Ian.

 Ian turned around and saw a man riding towards them on a horse, while two other horses rode beside him. Ian had never been on a horse before, hell, he had never really even wanted to, and looking at them he wasn't sure if he could. The man stopped in front of them and got off his horse smiling, as they walked towards him.

 "Ian Hecox, meet Scott Hayes. He owns a small ranch near here and I rented two of his horses for a couple of hours." Damien explained, as Ian shook Scott's hand.

 "Nice to meet you, Ian."

 "Yeah, you too, Scott." Ian replied smiling.

 "So, have either of you ever ridden a horse before?" Scott asked, still smiling.

 "Yeah, I have a few times." Damien answered.

 "What about you, Ian?"

 "Nope." Ian answered. "Never even been this close to one."

 "It's easy, babe, don't worry. Just do what I do and you'll be fine."

 "Yeah, sure, fine." Ian replied sarcastically, this day just kept getting better and better!


 Shayne stood alone on the balcony of their hotel room, while Courtney changed so they could go to lunch; he had already changed into the fancy outfit that she had given him to wear. Today, was supposed to be fun and romantic, but for him, it was anything, but that. Courtney had surprised him by doing everything he had wanted to do and he had faked his way through it all, not wanting to ruin what she had done for him. He felt like such an asshole and the guilt he felt over using Courtney and Damien like this was tearing him apart! Of course, even though today had been perfect, his guilty conscience wouldn't let him enjoy any of it, he wasn't sure if he could even make it through lunch, let alone the rest of the damn day! His thoughts were interrupted by Courtney coming out onto the balcony with him.

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