Baby Love Pt2 (Ian/Damien)

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 Ian paced nervously outside the large office building, as he waited for Damien to show up. Ian had never loved anyone before like he did Damien and it scared the hell out of him; still scared him. All his life Ian's been the odd one out, not really fitting in anywhere, until he met Damien and the rest of their Smosh family and for the first time in his entire life the people who said they loved him meant it and he could truly be himself with them. Ian and Damien fell in love after they working together and being friends for a while. Their relationship wasn't perfect, but it didn't matter to either man because it was theirs. A week ago, they had had their biggest fight yet, which ended with Ian walking out and moving in with Shayne. Their fight had been over Damien wanting to adopt a child and start a family with Ian. The thought of having kids scared the crap out of Ian; he was afraid of screwing them up, but instead of telling Damien that he acted like a damn child and threw a temper tantrum. He gave Damien excuse after lame excuse, before he packed his things and walked out, breaking up with Damien.

 Last night, Shayne and Courtney had confronted him about the whole situation. Of course, Ian had refused to talk about it, but the two of them wouldn't stop and so he had given in. He told them the real reason and without judging him, they made him realize he wasn't and never would be a screw-up. After Courtney had left and Shayne went to bed, Ian used Shayne's laptop and did research into adoption, learning everything that he could about it. After staying up all night doing research, Ian finally decided that even though being a father terrified him, it was something he wanted and was ready to do. This morning, he had called a local adoption agency and managed to set up an appointment for them to talk to a worker. He then called Damien and left him a message on his cell, begging him to meet him at the address he gave him at 10 AM. Ian wasn't sure if Damien would show up after what happened, truthfully, he couldn't blame him, but he hoped he would.

 "Ian?" Damien's voice spoke from behind him, breaking into his thoughts.

 "Dames, you came." Ian said smiling.

 "I got your message; you sounded weird on the phone, are you okay?" Damien asked concerned.

 "Sit, please, I need to talk to you." Ian said sighing, as they sat together on a bench. "Damien, I love you so damn much, you're the first person I've ever loved like this and I'm so sorry for walking out...for breaking up with you, because I'm a coward. I ran from you, instead of telling you the real reason I didn't want to have kids with you. It has nothing to do with the excuses I gave you and everything to insecurities; things I've always disliked about myself that made me never want to have kids. Shayne and Courtney; the little shits, made me realize last night that I'm not a screw-up and even though having a kid terrifies's something I'm ready to do, as long as it's with you. Can you ever forgive me, Baby Boy?"

 "Of course, I can, Ian, I love you." Damien answered tears in his eyes, as he hugged Ian. "You should have told me all of this, we could have fixed this together, I would have understood." He said when the hug ended.

 "I know." Ian replied quietly, as he took Damien's hand.

 "I...wait, you said...does this mean?"

 "Yeah, Baby Boy, I'm ready to adopt." Ian answered smiling, before a smiling Damien hugged him again.

 "I don't understand though, why did you tell me here and not back at the house?" Damien questioned confused.

 "What does the sign say?" Ian asked smiling, pointing to the large sign above the door to the building, Damien looked where he was pointing and read it.

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