The Rancher's Son Pt7 (Ian/Shayne)

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 Ian sighed, as he shielded his eyes from the bright, afternoon sun, as he looked around him. He continued walking around the large grounds of his parent's ranch, looking for Damien and Shayne. He needed to talk to them and finally figure out what happened between them; the three of them used to be so close, until something happened to cause Damien and Shayne to turn on him. He wanted to fix whatever went wrong, but didn't know how when he didn't even know what happened! As he continued searching he thought back to when everything changed between them. Everything was going to change today though; Ben had gone out with Ian's parents for the day, and Ian was going to get his brothers to talk to him, even if he had to lock them in a room with him to do it. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the familiar laughter of Damien and Shayne, as they came out of the barn together, laughing at something one of them said.

 Ian took a deep breath to calm his nerves, before he called out to them. They both stopped and looked at him, meeting his eyes their smiles disappeared, before they turned and ignoring him they walked away towards their bunk. Not about to give up that easily, Ian ran after them, he caught up to them just as they went inside shutting the door behind them. Refusing to let this...whatever it was, between them go on any longer, he went to the door and went inside without knocking, surprising both men.

 "What the actual hell?" Shayne said, as they looked at Ian confused.

 "We need to talk." Ian stated.

 "There's nothing to talk about, sir." Damien replied, as he went to stand beside Shayne.

 "Dammit, would you two just talk to me, please?" Ian said frustrated, as he sighed. "I...I miss you both so much and I want to fix us, but I can't if I don't even know what I did."

 Damien and Shayne looked at each other sadly, neither spoke though, Ian was so upset that he had tears in his eyes, all he wanted was his brothers back. The silence in the room was driving him crazy, neither would talk to him; hell, neither would even look at him.

 "Please, tell me how to fix" Ian said gently.

 "You can't." Shayne answered quietly, before he walked out.

 "Shayne!" Ian called out to him, but he kept walking. "Damien, I don't even know what I did to make you hate me." He said sadly, looking at him.

 "Maybe some things just can't be fixed." Damien said quietly, before he left the bunk too.

**Days Later**:

 Shayne lay in his bed on his back, arms under his head staring at the ceiling, as he thought of Ian again. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop loving Ian. He sighed, as he looked over to see that Damien was still sleeping, unable to sleep, Shayne quietly got up, got dressed, and left the bunk. He began walking around the grounds, taking in the quiet of the night, there was no one out at this time of night; he was alone and loved it. He walked around for a few minutes until he came to the small pond at the edge of the property. He sat down, leaning against a tree, and looked at the stars, he sighed again wishing things could go back to the way they were before that son-of-a-bitch Ben came into their lives.

 "It's beautiful, isn't it?" A voice spoke from behind him, scaring him.

 "You scared me, sir." Shayne said, as he quickly stood.

 "Sorry, Shayne, I thought you heard me." Ian apologized, as he got closer, and sighed, as he looked around. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" He asked smiling.

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