Masquerade Pt5 (Ian/Courtney)

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 Ian paced his living room angrily, he was pissed and hurt. He felt so stupid for letting himself believe his crazy ass could find love. Tonight, just proved that he was meant to be alone for the rest of his life. His heartbreak began when he fell in love and the dumbass that he is, he fell in love with Courtney. He was okay with the way his life was, until he made the biggest mistake of his life and listened to Damien when he told him he should tell Courtney how he felt. After leaving Damien, he had looked around the party for her with no luck, until seconds before the unmasking, Ian watched as the woman he loved kissed another man. He was heartbroken, Courtney looked at him, their eyes met, but before she could say or do anything Ian took off. Once outside, Ian had ripped off the pin and threw it onto the ground, before he got into his car and drove home. As soon as he had gotten to his house, he had changed and had spent the last 10 minutes pacing, as what happened played over and over in his head. His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on his door. Not in the mood to talk to anyone, Ian ignored it, but they didn't go away, so sighing annoyed, he answered it. He angrily went to shut the door seeing Damien and Courtney standing there, but Courtney spoke stopping him.

 "Ian, please wait, let me explain, I'm begging you."

 "There's nothing to explain, Courtney. I was an idiot to think that someone like me was worthy of being loved. So, save your damn explanations, I'm fine." Ian said angrily, before he slammed the door shut.

 "How the hell am I supposed to tell Ian that what happened was a mistake and that I've been in love with him for the last two damn years, if he won't give me the chance to explain?" Courtney asked sadly, as she turned and they walked back to Damien's car.

 "Don't give up, Courtney, we'll do it together. I promise we'll fix this." Damien said gently, as they hugged, before they got into the car.

**Days Later**:

 As the days passed, Ian refused to talk to either of them about what happened, pretending none of it happened. He withdrew from both of them, he was heartbroken and he put walls up around his heart, he wouldn't let himself be hurt again.

 Meanwhile, Courtney was just as heartbroken, she had screwed up, she knew it, but had no idea how to fix it. She loved Ian and only wanted him, she wanted to believe Damien when he said that they'd fix this, but as the days passed and Ian still hated her, she was beginning to lose hope.

 Finally, one night two weeks after the party, Courtney decided to talk to Ian, she couldn't take knowing how hurt he was because of her. She went to Ian's house and knocked on the door, she wasn't sure if he would even answer, seconds later, he did; looking like he hadn't slept in days.

 "Go away, Courtney, I'm not in the mood to talk." Ian said bitterly, as he went to shut the door.

 "Ian, please let me explain what happened, and if after I'm done you still hate me, I'll leave you alone." She begged.

 "Fine, you have five minutes, starting now." Ian agreed, as he let her inside and they went to his living room.

 "Ian, when I..."

 "Made out." Ian said angrily, cutting her off.

 "When I kissed that other man at the party, I honestly thought it was you. Damien told me who you really were and I couldn't wait to find you and finally tell you that I love you...I've loved you for two years now. When I found the guy, I thought it was you, until he took his mask off, it was a mistake Ian, a huge mistake. You have to believe me, please." Courtney begged.

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