Chapter 2-(Birth Multiverse)

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Genos perspective of the events


Geno had been overjoyed at learning he was carrying a souling. He had cried tears of joy with Reaper, who had been too scared to hope that they would succeed. With Reaper's death touch and Genos fragment of a SOUL it was a miracle it occured. Thankfully he could now leave the SAVE screen, with the help of the marriage bond, so his little souling would not be stuck in the darkness. When he first held them the love he felt was immense. They were perfect with their tiny toes and white bones.

He did have a scare when they didn't open their eye sockets for days, but when they did his SOUL melted at the innocent curiosity. Pulling them closer to him he was startled at the smack to the face but laughed at how energetic they were. His little Goth. They took feeding so well and were a very calm babybones.

He had been warned by Life about how loud they could be and what he should expect, but he didn't have any issues with his Goth. It always seemed like he was the emotional one, especially when Goth grew wings overnight. Goth had looked startled, then very pleased to have wings to puff up at random.

He was disappointed in Reaper though. How the other refused to be near Goth in fear of hurting them or even touch them, infuriated him. Goth hardly reacted to Reaper when he was actually here and seemed to see him as a stranger in the house. When they started walking that is when he saw issues occur. They seemed curious about everything and put everything in their mouth. If he wasn't such a hardy monster he swore he would have dusted from all the stress the other put him through.

The day he was taken was like any other day. He had put Goth in the living room and went to grab some solid foods they could try, when he was suddenly in a blank white space. He lost all sense of time and his screaming accomplished nothing. He was alone for so long but he refused to forget his Goth, so kept the memories deep even when others seemed to float away,

It felt like one moment he was there and the next he always had been. His bones went fully black and his magic changed. He felt his code corrupt and clung to his Determination to stay alive, for Goth. He felt instructions in his mind on what his new role was. He was the Destroyer now called Error. He was to keep the balance against the Creator Ink.

It took him decades to finally understand his role more and he always felt compelled to go back to the Antivoid after finishing his job. He used his strings to hang items and learnt to knit to have a hobby, while waiting to go out again. Meeting the Creator felt like hate at first sight. This was the idiot that was the Creator? He hated him as he made him have his job he was stuck in.

No one forced him to work, but each time he thought to stop he remembered Goth's tiny features and wanted to make a safe multiverse for his child. When he learnt to make windows to see Into other AU's, he started watching the other. Seeing his babybones grow up with Life was bitter sweet, but his rage at Reaper was immense. While not remembering everything he did know the other had helped make Goth and his lack of presence enraged him. If he subtly pranked the other while doing his job, that was his business.

He was always tempted to go to Goth, but knew a target would be painted on the others back. Inks lack of SOUL made him a wild card and he had seen how persuasive the other could be to get his ideas implemented. Having Dream by his side made it worse.

The years passed by and he was again fighting Ink for another AU. He sometimes wished the other could die, but sadly his life was never that easy so he was stuck beating the other down. Sensing death magic he assumed Reaper was nearby and thought it a perfect chance to grab a hostage, to escape this pointless battle.

When he made it to the Antivioid he realised his mistake. His eyesight was much worse then he remembered and from far away this monster could be seen similar to Reaper. He had grabbed Goth. Before he could even think on what to do Goth spoke.

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