Chapter 27- (SwapVerse Multiverse)

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Template plans some revenge and Pale makes a questionable decision


SwapVerse Multiverse

Template was impressed at how Pale was doing. He noticed the pink coloured eyelights fade a while ago but the care shown to the babybones didn't change. He knew Pale put effort into things he wanted, such as getting better at fighting. Mainly so he could absorb more AU's, but this was new. He had also started to regularly check up on the other, to make sure the babybones was alright.

One time, when he had teleported to Pales location, he was puzzled why he arrived in Birdtale. He couldn't think of anything of interest here but still followed Pales magic. When he reached Pale, he watched in bafflement at their interaction with the locals.

"Teach me how to groom wings".

While not the kindest way to phrase it, he didn't think the resident Sans cared. He could see their wings quivering, from being face to face with the Destroyer. He heard them stutter an answer and then bring out a large doll with fake wings.

"W-wings are v-very personal. It is r-rare to allow s-stranger to touch them".

Pale had only nodded at this information, to the relief of the scared monster. They had then shown him how to properly clean and groom wings, without hurting the monster in question. Pale said nothing and their eyelights were focused on what the winged monster did.


When Pale had turned to leave a question was asked by the winged monster, that even Template was curious about.

"W-why did you accept m-my reason?".

Template saw how they paled as soon as they voiced their question. Even he was impressed by their boldness, in the face of pure apathy and power of the Destroyer.

"I don't want what's mine to feel uncomfortable with me. I have to learn everything they need''.

This Karma was very intriguing, he was glad they had appeared in his multiverse. There were of course downsides to Pales' new charge. Much more AU's were being absorbed, making him have to create at a faster pace to keep up. He turned a blind eye every now and then, as the one time he had gotten in the way of Pale trying to feed his child. It was the closest he had come to death while facing his counterpart.

He was happy at his past self action, to lie about CHECKING Karma. While in rare cases weaker monsters could be severely harmed, when CHECKED at low health, Karma was clearly an exception. Goth types were hardier monsters then most.

He had looked over Karmas code himself and had grew sickened at all the incidents they had been through. He was especially concerned about the low HOPE. He wouldn't say Pale was his friend, but he counted him as a consistent enemy to go against. He didn't want to ever see Pale go full out in his multiverse in protective rage.

He also found some rather troubling news, that he was unsure what to do about it. He had found out that another Ink had entered his multiverse not long ago. While usually he would be thrilled at seeing his idol visit, he noticed it coincided with Karma's arrival. His belief still held strong that most Inks were heroes, but it seems there was always an exception to the rule.

What hero would he be if he didnt help defend the helpless. It seems a new villain will need a personal visit in the future. It was a good thing he knew everything about the Creator, it would make them much easier to fight.


Karma was enjoying his new freedom. He wasn't restricted from going anywhere and as long as he said something to Pale, he could do what he wanted. The only thing he had been forced to do was learn how to absorb magic from his surroundings. He was sceptical he would be able to learn but it turned out it was not as hard as he feared.

He was nowhere near the level of Pale but he did enjoy the slight boost he gained from it. He refused to try it on other SOULS, as it made his core clench in distress. He blamed it on his role influencing him too much. He was pleased when Pale easily accepted that and moved on to other things.

He had ignored grooming his wings again and they were starting to get itchy. He then felt eyelights on him making him stiffen. Turning he saw Pale staring at his wings in contemplation, before saying he would be right back and teleporting away. When he returned he offered to groom him or have someone else do it instead.

...this isn't how it usually went at all. Why were the soulless the nicest monsters he had met by far? While wary he allowed it and watched how they gently cleaned his wings. While not the best it didn't hurt and he could see the concentration they applied to the task.

Even with their emotions varying, the other had never attacked him. Watching the process of them eating a universe was fascinating, especially when he used his magic to sense what they did. However while he may not be in danger, everyone else clearly was. He blandly watched many monsters come over, to ask how he was and if he needed help. He didn't bother replying anymore as seconds later Pale usually dusted them before looking over him.

He did want to question what it meant to be considered as Pale though. In what sense were they saying? It kind of reminded him of being with the Dream with the massive wings.....he still kind of missed them, which was odd.

Pale was a very calm monster with him otherwise. The few times he had wandered off without saying anything, he had been found quickly then left alone.

He assumed this was going to be his life now when Pale shocked him.

"You aren't happy here".

"Why does that matter?".

He saw the Destroyer think before he answered. Their eyelights were bright, so they must have a more varied emotional range today.

"I may not completely understand but i want you to have the best. Including emotions".

Pale had tried his best but knew he wasn't the best to keep his babybones safe. He was great against physical harm but was not able to grasp the full emotional ones. He had briefly considered asking Template, but he knew he would sooner dust them then let them be near Karma. He was not able to let other be close to Karma and was sure that was vital for young monsters.

"You are just saying that because you ate too many AU's".

He didn't dispute the claim but he also realised the other did not deny his statement. He had to send them outside his multiverse, otherwise they would never be free of him. This didn't mean they were still not his, this was just to make sure they got better.

He gathered the magic he had recently absorbed and opened a portal. He gently pushed the other to it, while watching in silence. This was for the best even if his instincts screamed at him for making the other go so far.

As the portal closed the flapping of wings was heard behind him. Turning around he observed a large winged skeleton monster.

"Why hello there! It seems you recently had something of mine. Care to help me out, my dear new 'friend'~".


Template: *connects the dots on Karmas appearance in Multiverese*

Template: I'm about to end this man's whole career


Pale: I want you to be happy

Karma: 'Happy'? Is that a type of fruit?

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