Chapter 148- (*^&$@ Multiverse)

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Karma has a surpsingly nice time in Outertale and even has a of course things had to go weird again


*^&$@ multiverse

"Who's a pretty little bird? You are! Yes you are!"

Sunny's eye was developing a rather concerning twitch, that he was fully blaming on having to be around such a weird Creator.

"Does someone want a treat? Of course you do!"

That he wasnt able to say anything or he'd blow his cover, only made his mood so much worse, having to just listen to the utter nonsense spewed in a never ending stream. He frankly thought Karma was a saint for dealing with this so well, quietly grumbling when he felt the babybones be picked up without warning.

"How about i get you a cookies? Or what about i make some new stars? Ooo! We could do both!"

...The Creators sense of normal was also greatly skewed but for some weird reason this only amused the babybones. He was in disbelief on how this could be a Creator, them being much far too ignorant on so many matters, even if Karma tried to calmly explain things.

He was still unimpressed with this Creator though, feeling Ink was treating Karma more like a pet then a child at this point.

"Can it be a chocolate chip cookie, Ink?"

"Of course, Goth! We can have all the chocolate you could even dream of. I could even invent a new one!"

He sighed at the fake happiness coming from Ink, hiding further into Karmas scarf to try and block it out. He still wasn't used to the way he sensed emotions off soulless monsters, it making him feel a tad ill and usually having to focus on the babybones emotions in order to calm down.

He was glad that things were at least settling down with Karma, their emotions still erratic but far more stable then they had been months ago.

..he was still in disbelief they had been here this long though, feeling this place was far crazier than the time in the Void despite the lack of unspeakable horrors he had to witness he still had nightmares of the eternal darkness and was unsure if they would ever leave .

All the Bitties were annoyed that they still couldn't reveal themselves and had to stay hidden, all having refused to leave Karma for a second and mainly staying in their scarf.


Ink hummed as he drew on his sketch pad that was dedicated to new AU's, his ideas practically flowing for months now!

He held the pad away from him, gazing at his latest masterpiece thoughtfully, unsure what to name it. For some reason 'Horror Swap' was coming to mind, quickly jotting that down before he could forget it.

He turned the page, deciding he would create that later, briefly pausing at the soft snoring now coming from his lap. Without looking away from the blank page, he grabbed a small brush and created a blanket, throwing it over the babybones who was currently laying on his chest.

He wasnt sure how this became a routine between them but found he quite enjoyed sketching while laying on the sofa in the evenings after dinner. It caused his magic to let out the odd rumbling sound whenever they did this, surprised when Karma let out a similar noise in response.

He carefully pat their back, having learned they enjoyed that after much trial and error , making sure they were comfy before going back to his sketch's. He had been creating many more AU's, which was wonderful but he had been far more intrigued by the changes the tiny monsters presence had brought.

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