Chapter 12- (Second Multiverse)

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Karmas thoughts spiral and Error has 'feelings'


Karma was feeling great!....he was very suspicious of this fact. His magic felt full and Ink would offer magic regularly. He had even observed Dream flaring his aura around him when in the same room. It could be because he was being watched so often and did not know many places in this multiverse. He had been hiding more when at home and 'might' have gone hungry a time or two, but his privacy was more important!

Meeting Paperjam was fine and even the others' magic was calm. It was an odd blend of both parents but he loved it. They looked unsure how to react to him but hearing how he had another brother as well was insane. Ink magic was weird here but he was curious if any other surprises would pop up.

Going to Goths or staying at home was fine but the new visitor was not. They looked like Blue and he felt his energy drain just looking at the excited monster.


They tried to step closer but he made sure to step back. Why was this monster here? He thought he was being kept separated for others protection. He had only met powerful monsters so far, so why the change? Was this a test of his restraint? He thought he had been good and hated these tests they kept throwing at him.

"Hello Blue. You don't have to get closer. I'll be good".

He was proud of keeping the nervousness out of his voice but Dreams look meant he failed emotionally. Even Reaper and Geno looked confused. At least Ink was here as support.

Reaper was confused, which wasn't a new state with Karma. Why was the other so wary of Blue? Dream had thought it would be good to expand the monsters Karma met and Blue was a very social monster. He observed how the babybones hands were in front but apart, as if showing something.

"Karma. Can you touch mortals?".

Everyone zeroed in on him but he didn't move his gaze away from the babybones. He had noticed they rarely initiated touch but assumed that was a comfort issue. This could be a more serious issue than he thought. His wings arched when he noticed the fuzzy eyelights of Karma.

"Of course I can. I'm good. I can stay away. Please".

Karma was getting confused where he was. Who asked him the question? Was it Boss? Or mother? Maybe Mary? Where was he?.....who was he? What was his name again?

He had been talking to Blue...right? Was this the library? His hands were tingling but he had no idea why.

....I'm so tired.....


Error was not the friendliest monster and he had no plans to change it. Having to deal with the annoying Creator would have turned anyone insane, so he felt he was doing well for himself. He was 'born' the same time Ink was so he felt he had seen everything the multiverse liked to throw at him.

Having mini abominations with Ink was horrifying. That it happened twice was even worse. He might have been too hasty in trying to erase the first one but having anything to do with the squid disgusted him. Life went on and he ignored his 'children' and focused on destroying.

The truce was an odd thing to occur. Mainly as Nightmare had suggested it and somehow convinced his fanatic of a brother and the Creator to agree. It was nice having more alone time but with that gave rise to much more thinking. He opened windows to his abominations location and watched them struggle to work with his inherited magic. The weeks passed by and he tried to reach out. He wasn't surprised when he was rejected, but the squeeze of his SOUL was odd.

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