Chapter 23- (Blueberror Multiverse)

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Ink has questionable ideas. Pale is weirded out what his emotions are doing

Warning: Ink gets a tad violent in this


Blueberror Multiverse

Ink hated doing it but he had to make sure of Karma staying asleep. Before they had gone to bed he made sure to cover their chocolate, in a tasteless substance he had gotten from Sci. It had zero taste and it would make them fall into a deeper sleep, which was perfect. He watched them like a hawk after they ingested it, till they stumbled upstairs while mumbling good night.

He cringed at the slur he heard in their words and hoped he hadn't used too much. He needed them as sedated as he could get for this to go perfectly. He waited an hour and then went to change his clothes. His new outfit had a similar scent as was on Karma, so he would be able to hold them till the journey was completed.

He had waited as long as possible to enact the plan but today he had felt the magic holding the bonds getting much weaker. He walked in their room and faltered at how small Karma was. He picked them up and held back a sob at what he was about to do. He was a leader and he should be more confident than this. He couldn't regret what would benefit everyone.

He couldn't share his plan with others, as he knew they were too soft hearted to do what was right. Wiping a tear away from his face, he opened a portal to the deeper part of his Doodle Sphere that few knew about. He walked past the 'papers' that were the U's and saw them lean towards Karma. He could see why a Creator was fascinated by this small creature.

He himself had felt the urge to be closer to them multiple times but he had pushed back. It didn't seem to affect Karma much and they even seemed to expect to not be touched. Where they were going they would get the best there was to offer. He had stacked the odds in Karmas favour as much as he could, the rest was up to them.

He reached his destination of a red door that was surrounded by nothing. He was never sure when he got it but it was very useful. It aided in taking him towards where he needed the most. When he heard Karma groan then lean into him, he almost turned back and pretended this had never happened. Looking into arms he knew he wasn't powerful enough to keep them, so started walking through the door.


Swap Multiverse

He shivered at how quiet the AU he had travelled to was. This strange multiverse always made him wary but he had watched this monster obsessively and knew they would be perfect. He laid Karma on the hard ground, making sure there was no one nearby. He had sneakily created the perfect universe that would be irresistible for the monster to visit before he came here. It would add to the scene he was creating.

He was glad this multiverse Creator hadn't noticed what he had done, as he was sure a fight would have occured.

There shouldn't be anyone SOUL in this universe as he knew the monster had claimed it as his own. His magic had been focused on Karma, so he sensed when the bonds were on their last threads. He now needed to add the final piece. Summoning a sharp bone he crouched down near the babybones. They looked so innocent in their sleep, with no worries bothering them.

Holding his resolve he raised the bone and stabbed it in to their left wing. They let out a horrific scream, causing his hands to shake. He wasn't done as he needed to repeat it. He quickly did the same to the other wing. He stood up and started backing away from the small skeleton. He un-summoned the bones, feeling his hands shake at what he had done. He knew this sin would forever follow him but it needed to be done.

....he wasn't wrong in his plan. He couldn't be. This had to be worth it. He would tell the others he found their multiverse and sent them back. It was a pretty little story and would relieve many. He heard a noise nearby and he knew he had to leave.

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