Chapter 47- (Human DreamSwap Multiverse)

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Karma gets better and even gets more shinies


Human DreamSwap

Karma was feeling cautiously happy in his time in this Multiverse. He had a tentative theory why he could eat and he fully blamed it on his new fleshy body. While he never wished to be in one again, it was processing physical food much better than what he was used to. It was like he was a newborn again with the joy he had eating. He wasn't holding much hope it would stay like that when if he changed back to normal, so he would enjoy it while he could.

He had also spent time each morning seeing what different expressions on his face looked like. He was not happy when he saw he was much easier to read but it did help him learn a bit more, what others were feeling as a human.

One good thing that had happened this past few weeks was being able to walk by himself again! He wasn't allowed to do it for long but he adored having some independence back.

Karma was also a bit worried where this Dream had gone and what it could mean for his stay. After being dropped off with Blue that first day, the other seemed to have vanished into thin air.

He still heard about him from the guards and maids but nothing that reassured his worries. He was also disappointed that Blue didn't come over as much after the first week. Where were they all going?

He was usually stuck with Ink who didn't really talk much or emote. The other felt more like a shadow than a living being. He often checked their SOUL to make sure they hadn't died, due to how quiet they were being.

Today he decided he wanted to do something other than stay in his room or travel to the dining room for food. When he was picked up for lunch he stayed quite as usual and ate more than he could ever remember eating before. He was still stuck on a simple diet but with how delicious it tasted, he saw no issues with that.

When the maids took their plates away he stared at Ink, waiting for the other to notice.

"Can I have something to read, Ink?"

The usual unreadable expression changed to thoughtfulness. His hope rose when they nodded and carried him towards a door that Karma had never entered. As soon as it was pushed open he chirped in glee at the number of books available to him. His head swivelled from one side to the other, unsure where to even start.

He wriggled to be let down and as his feet touched the ground, he sped off to all the different sections. He could only grab two books before he felt his arms struggle under the weight. He glared at them in irritation, at denying him even more books to take with him. The weight in his arms disappeared and he spotted Ink walk away, then grabbing all the books he had shown an interest in from the shelves.

He was kind of surprised as he never knew he was being observed so closely. He was unsure if he should feel pleased or if this was just the other making sure he didn't get into trouble. He decided to follow Ink, while browsing the books he passed.

He might not like his new body but its small size was helpful. He had learned so many things due to it and had no idea why others equated small to blind, deaf and dumb. The maids were especially helpful to him discovering more about this world.

The rumours of how Ink was a blank doll, that only followed Dreams' will or the 'traitor' that was Dreams counterpart. Not much was said about Blue strangely, as if others feared the kind looking human. He was right in classifying Blue as a threat it seemed, his experience was working well for him this time.

Looking away from the numerous bookshelves he searched for a place to sit and spotted one by the windows. Skipping over he sat in the red armchair and accepted a book Ink placed in his hands. He stayed there the rest of the day, absorbing all the information he could.

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