Chapter 118- ( The Truth part 2)

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404 takes his new child to many places but still has that lingering doubt if he is doing the right thing



404 had stayed in the AntiVoid for the next few days with his child, not that he thought Karma noticed. They seemed rather entertained with the coat he got them, that resembled his but just in pure white. Even if they had no clue who he really was, it was nice to see them so carefree around him but he felt it was time to go outside again.

When Karma next ran past he grabbed them, finding their protest rather cute.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you game but i planned for us to go soon"

He cooed at how excited they became but there was another thing he needed done.

"Yes yes but we do need to do a little thing before we go. I need you to summon Blasty for me"

While their mind had seemed to settle he was curious if their magic had. This would be the biggest test, as Gaster Blaster were intimately connected to their wielder, only ever connected to one monster.

He watched in suspense, staring as 'Blasty' was summoned. He let out a silent breath of relief, when he noticed that the weapon didnt attack him, only looking confused. It seemed his plan had worked. It worked far too well. Why hadnt anyone stopped him?! He was going to huRt ThEm!.

"Dad wanted to see you again. Let me tell you about my new friend. We did so much!"

He held his child tight, idly listening as they regaled all they had done to the weapon, letting out the last bit of tension in his form when it was finally un summoned.

"Just as impressive as usual, little raven"

Yes, it was very impressive how his magic had worked. Things could only go up from here.


Remembrance AU

404 was unsure why he had decided to visit this AU. Maybe it was to be around others with a similar power to him, even if it still wasn't exactly the same. It could be the quiet atmosphere, that even if the monsters here did not have strong, magic it felt like the air itself was stuffed with it, playfully interacting with the inhabitants.

Whatever it was he regretted coming as soon as he stepped in, feeling something was going to go wrong. The magic no longer felt playful, more judging, as if trying to forcibly throw him out..but his child was a different story.

He could almost see the magic playfully jumping around them, gently tugging them to one place or another, as if an eager child wanting to show off to a also meant he somehow lost sight of them.

It felt like he had looked away for one second and the next they were gone, as if they teleported. Now he knew this was unlikely, as Karma had confessed he wasn't very good at that type of magic, with 404 silently agreeing on that. He had seen some of the results of them trying it and it was rather.. unique .

404 didn't panic straight away, trying to find them with their 'bond' but scowled as he felt the magic in the air increase, as if trying to distract him. It felt like hours before he found a lead, scowling as he saw them sitting by some unknown monster.


He snatched them up, discreetly looking them over, glaring at the unknown monster in distrust.

"Hey dad. Sorry for getting lost..i think i made a new friend"

"Oh. Do tell?"

404 made sure to get everything he could, even finding a surprising fact about them that they were a reincarnation, which made his possessiveness of them only increase. They even had a similar power to him! His child really was perfect~.

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