Chapter 144- (Void)

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The Bitties finally convince Karma to leave the Void but that might not have been the best idea...



Karma had been having a great time, especially with Gaster having so many interesting ideas which he was just itching to try!

They had even talked about certain areas of the Void that had openings to rather unique sounding AU's, which had truly caught his interest. It mainly meant not having to rely on anyone else or portals to travel around and it sounded so much fun.

Sure the time to travel to those areas was uncertain but considering he had not felt any hunger since being here and he did have his Inventory that was filled with food due to dads instance he bet felt he would be fine.

"✌︎☼︎☜︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ ☼︎☜︎✌︎👎︎✡︎ ❄︎⚐︎ ☝︎⚐︎📪︎ ☹︎✋︎❄︎❄︎☹︎☜︎ ✌︎☠︎⚐︎💣︎✌︎☹︎✡︎✍︎"

"Yeah! This is going to be great, Gaster. Can we try going to the one where all the monsters have DETERMINATION inside them? I bet their SOULS would be ama-"

"Karma? Would you mind having a chat? In private "

Sunny had been quick to interrupt, the gleam in the babybones a tad disturbing to witness, let alone the topic choice. He was thankful when Karma easily agreed, even getting out of Gasters hold and walking a bit further into the Void.

Seeing the innocent inquisitive look was more relieving than he could put into words, deciding it was best to try and steer the kid far away from any more Gasters in the future.

..he already had a feeling that he would fail but he could dream!

"Sunny? What did you want to talk about? Did you perhaps want to go to a different AU? I know Gaster talked about one where there might be Bitties, so that could be cool-"


He was glad Azure spoke up, as his eyes had been starting to glaze over with the manic emotions Karma was starting to feel again. He logically knew that the emotions he would feel from their 'owner' would be more intense, then one from any other monster/human he met, but it was still a tad overwhelming.

He had made sure to research thoroughly everyone they had been rehomed to and questioned every Bitty he met, wanting to make sure his group had the highest chance of survival they could. He knew they would one day have to choose someone if they wanted to survive, having heard many horror stories of Bitties who were deemed 'defective'.

He knew this but that didn't mean he would have settled for just any being. He was the leader of his small family, the one who made the final decisions, his magic helping him weed out the many monsters who saw them as nothing but a novelty and would surely grow bored of them after a few months.

That was why he was initially wary when he first met Karma, despite the emotions he felt from them. Children could be just as cruel, if more so than adults and with Bitties being so small...well, it was easy for accidents to happen.

He wasn't surprised when they ended up attaching themselves to the babybones who had far too little self preservation for his liking. It helped greatly that they were never treated as inferior or like a simple pet and he would never regret his choice, especially after getting to know them more...but that didn't mean they didn't cause him an immeasurable amount of stress!

"...leaving? Are you not liking it here?"

He felt a surge of guilt as he saw Karmas eyelights dim, almost giving in but just glancing at the endless black it was fathomless and could easily crush him with ease he kept his resolve. He bet if he let them, they would spend years here and despite having no sense of time, he had a dreaded feeling they might have already been here that long.

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