Chapter 10- (Birth Multiverse)

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Communication is lacking leading to confusion all around. Goth does not like the surprises that keep happening


Goth had no idea what was going on. His body felt heavy and his magic was sluggish in responding to him. He could not even find the energy to open his eyes, so tried to burrow closer to the warmth near him. He heard noises but had no idea what they were saying. Why did he feel so bad? He thought he was with the Guardisans at the library and was unsure where he was. Magic entered his system and he pounced upon it, feeling absolutely starved. It was a nice distraction to the aches in his body and lulled him back to sleep. Maybe the world would make more sense when he woke up next.

Ink would have laughed at Goth nudging him, like a needy cat for affection, but the situation was too dire for that. He sent a steady stream of magic to the other and was pleased it was easily accepted. It had been a close call last night, with Goths magic going haywire with the lost bond. Dream had managed to fall asleep but his panic kept him vigilant for the night. He also realised he would need to go to Error about what to do with Reaper. Even if it was tempting they couldn't dust the other, they were too vital for the multiverse for now .

Standing up he grabbed a blanket and wrapped Goth in it. They would need to stay around him all day to let the bond settle, but he sadly still had things to do outside. Opening a inky portal he trembled at where he was having to go. Going to the Antivoid was just as bad as he remembered but sadly the monster he needed loved it.

"Error! You here? It's about Goth"

" What's wrong now?! Didn't Reaper do enough! "

It was weird seeing the Destroyer show such care for Goth and he always felt wary of the others intentions. Forcibly calming himself down he quietly admitted what had happened. He highly suspected the other alway ready knew but allowed him the benefit of the doubt.

" Why tell me squid? "

"They will need more magic from the other bond. I know it's you Error"

The Destroyer might have tried to evade stating it directly but it was obvious. Forming the bond with Goth only confirmed his suspicions.

" I shouldn't have stayed away. I just wanted to help ".

This was a conversation he was not qualified for! What could he even say? 'Of course you failed, look at the state of your child?' Even he wasn't that dense. Dreams' lessons on emotions had been very helpful in reducing the number of angry monsters with him.

"You can't kill Reaper. We still need him. I might find a solution though".

He ignored the suspicious look the other gave him and refused to elaborate. He needed it to look like it was an accident after all. Dream might kill him though so he prayed no one ever found out.


Goth was freaking out and he wasn't afraid to show it. Everyone was being so nice to was creepy. He got an 'anonymous' donation of chocolate every week that Ink had looked at in disgust. He refused to touch it and Ink was pleased to dispose of it for him. The cackling he heard with the large fire out back was avoided for his remaining sanity.

This new 'family' was weird. They had meals together and Dream and Ink even asked how he was feeling everyday. He could have responded better than trying to run away, but he panicked! Even auntie wasn't as suffocating with her affection.

He wasn't even sure what brought this all on as no one was telling him anything. He could do nothing alone and if he was away for longer than an hour Error tracked him down and kept him in the Antivoid. When he had asked Palette the other had only cried then held him tight. He was getting a headache from all the unusual behaviour and just wanted things to return to normal. He was much better at dealing with scorn and annoyance than whatever this was.

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