Chapter 36- (Raven Multiverse)

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Others see what Karma can truly do. This sadly only makes them worry more


Raven Multiverse

Dream had thought they could wait longer to enact their plans but yesterday's incident changed things. They had all felt the power go through the room, that chilled the air. It felt like a snake hidden just out of sight, getting ready to strike when you least expected. Nightmare had shared the role that Karma had but he didn't think it meant that much power.

He had almost been tempted to call Reaper for help. In order to make sure Karma hadn't been harmed from the release of magic, but Dream hesitated. He remembered the fear and pain he felt when Karma talked about Reaper. He couldn't find it in himself to inevitably make the fear worse, even if it would be easier. He would instead ask if Raven and Goth would be able to meet him up tomorrow.

He felt a bit sick he was enacting this plan but Nightmare had assured him Karma had been through much worse. That sadly didn't make him feel better, especially when he called Karma over for a chat.

Looking at them he didn't see any signs of the terrifying magic, that made them appear as the biggest threat in the room. Instead he saw a tired child, still in the cat onesie, looking at him with curiosity.

"Do you remember how yesterday you...sorted out the spirit?"

"Yes. Is there more that needs to be done?"

"NO! I mean, we just want to see how you control your powers. I worry if they may hurt you in the future".

Dream had been called often when deaths children were younger. He had to help heal many injuries sustained during training or simple accidents. While death magic was powerful, it was also rather difficult to weild. The injuries had been rather horrifying to witness but thankfully healed over with no scars.

He was relieved when he received no resistance and told them to go get changed, into something easier to move in. When they came back he created a portal, making sure to keep an eye on Karma's emotions. He grimaced at the negativity levels of the AU he arrived in but knew this was the best place to test their powers.

He greeted Reaper's childrens but kept watch on how Karma was reacting to the dark atmosphere. He knew these two were trained enough to stop any issues that may occur but he had also contacted Error. They would be the last line of defence if things went horribly wrong. He stiffened when he felt the same cold magic build up and saw Karma's eyelight start to flare with magic. He prayed he would not regret allowing this to occur.


Dream had been acting odd since lunch at Nightmares castle. After everyone had finished eating, he had been allowed to read more in peace. The adults seemed to want to discuss something but he didn't care enough to ask or listen in.

He happily sat next to the bookshelf and pulled his cat hood up, enjoying how warm he felt. He squeaked in protest, when he was lifted away from his little hoard but quieted down when he saw it was time to head back. He leaned against Ink's hold, appreciating at least one monster that rarely changed how they acted.

He refused to take off his new outfit at bed time and chirped in glee when he won the argument. He was currently sleeping in Blue's room, as the spare bedrooms were apparently stuffed with Inks art supplies. He didn't care where he slept as Blue wasn't even here and he never really personalised his own room when living with auntie. As long as it was warm and dry, he could sleep.

Breakfast was the usual chocolate but this time there was already a bite taken out of the bar. He hummed in approval, when Dream's voice caught his attention. He stumbled out of the kitchen, observing how nervous Dream looked. What could possibly be wrong now?

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