Chapter 4-(Birth Multiverse)

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Nightmare wished for a quiet life but was instead surrounded by chaos


Nightmare never thought his life would end with him here, but he didn't regret it. Those disgusting villagers deserved everything he did to them, even if he was out of his mind at the time. The centuries passed with him growing into his new role and adding others to help him. He would never confess that seeing his brother out of stone was a relief, nor would he admit to avoiding majorly hurting the other. They might be on opposite sides but that didn't erase the care he had for his little brother.

The annoyances the other was surrounded with on the other hand was a different story. Blue was a bit too 'happy go lucky' for his tastes, but he grew to be more tolerant of him. Ink he hated with a burning passsion and couldn't wait for the day he would finally stay dead. Hearing that Dream had bonded to the soulless husk was hell and that they made a spawn was worse. He has seen Palette in person, it was like seeing sunshine personified with his idiots fathers traits.

He had lost count of the number of times the other had gotten lost in the multiverse, having to be dragged back by Dream and a grinning Ink. His nephew was a lost cause who he chose to ignore when possible.

Meeting the Destroyer was interesting, he had met many monsters and none were as unique as him. The look of utter disdain he was given, for interrupting their work, was art. As was the way Nightmare was ignored till he found a suitable bribe. He refused to admit at how long it took to be glanced at, even in indifference decades . He made sure to get a truce with Error as soon as he could, as the power the other wielded was useful and he was lonely .

He grew close to Error and enjoyed the sass the other gifted others, with no discrimination. As time went on he was concerned at the growing loneliness and yearning he felt from the other. He could never get an answer out the other but starting at the babybones in front of him, things were starting to make sense.

" Fix him! "

He was admittedly unsure if Error had finnaly snapped when he dragged a winged monster into his office. He was tensed in preparation for getting his gang away, if things turned to a fight.

" His father is an idiot. Zero self preservation instinct. Fix him ".

" Error. I have no idea who this is and... is this a child? Why are they so calm, Error? What did you do?! "

Not his finest moment but he couldn't be blamed for thinking that. The way the other was bound tight in the other's magic and impassive face did not help his stress. He thought he would have a calmer monster to talk to when Error joined but instead he got even more chaos. Rubbing his face in exhaustion he wanted the day to end already but sadly the universe cared not for his struggles.

Being introduced to the babybones was something at least, but he was wary of the reply given.

"Greetings. I am named Goth and am the overviewer for balancing SOULS. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance Destroyer and Guardian of Negativity".

This was a powerful monster and someone had made sure to train them well. He may be the Guardian of Negativity but he wasn't a demon. He could see himself in the other, when trying not to show weakness in front of the villagers. He just managed to stop a grimace from appearing.

" There is no need for formalities here Goth. Why don't you follow this shadow papyrus who will show you your room you will be staying in. I will visit to tell you the rules of your visit later ".

He needed privacy for this and was not looking forward to the fights he would inevitable be dragged into.

" He can stay and I'll make sure the boys don't do anything. You will have to deal with Reaper though. You can't avoid this forever. He will come for his child and might involve the Star sans ".

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