Chapter- 90 (S̷̲͗ṯ̶̇̅ringVerse)

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Karma is confused where he is but is very happy that brother is here!

Nightmare is overworked and this sick babybones just brings up so many questions.



Location: ??

"I nee-d to ge-t up!"

"Lay back down! You are in no condition to be up yet"

"No! Father mu-st be so ang-ry. I don't wa-nt to mak-e it worse"

"...little one. He just w-wants you to be healthy. H-He is worried sick, not angry"

Karma was baffled by this response, squinting where the voice was coming from why was his vision so blurry? Were they talking about the same monster here? Reaper rarely looked happy, especially with him.

Maybe his brother was trying to make him feel better? It was kind of them to lie about that but it was far too late for that. He already knew the truth after all. Why did his bonds feel weird? What is happening to him?

He startled at something wet being put on his face and could tell the conversation was over, so resigned himself to staying in bed for longer. He turned onto his side and closed his sockets but held onto consciousness for just a bit longer.

"Br-ther....Cud-dle please?"

He chirped when the bed dipped and clung to his brother were they always this cold? feeling himself relax at having someone safe close by.


The next time Karma woke up he was feeling even warmer than before. He tried to move to a cooler spot on the bed but it was all too warm. Annoyed, he sat up and opened his sockets to look around.

He hissed when a wet thing fell off his skull and onto his hands what was it called again? not liking the texture on his bones. He threw it off the bed but he still had the problem of being far too warm.

He looked around and had no idea where he was, so he grumpily pushed off the covers why was it so heavy?! and stood on the floor. He chirped at his success and searched for the door, soon making his way over.

He might be a tad wobbly but it was fine. His brother had no idea what he was talking about, he was so ready to go and help father with his work! Why did that sound wrong?

He pushed open the door and groaned at how big this place was. The corridor looked very long and he was unsure which way to go. Taking a guess he decided left was a good option and walked down the hall, briefly looking inside each room he passed. There were a lot of bedrooms in this place but still no sign of his brother.

He was close to giving up but the next door he opened was much more exciting. Walking further in he spotted a lot of bookcases and the many rugs littered about that felt nice on his feet. He stumbled further in and paused when he spotted a big chair by the window.

Squinting didn't make the image any clearer but he was pretty sure someone was sitting in the chair. His magic was acting rather odd and seemed to slip from his grasp whenever he tried to use it just where was it all going? .

Maybe this was his brother!...what did they look like again? Karma whimpered and clutched his chest in pain. Why was everything so confusing? . He looked up as the shadowy figure came closer, lifting his arms up.

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