Chapter- 97 (S̷̲͗ṯ̶̇̅ringVerse)

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Error is tired and FATE is not helping matters




Error hardly spent any time in the AntiVoid for the following few days and he was barely able to track time, with how busy he was. He knew the AntiVoid had numerous detrimental effects, depending on the monster and was so thankful the babybones could survive it.

That was one less worry on his mind, even with FATE cackling in his mind at his failure to keep things alive, as if that wasn't her fault in the first place. There was a reason he was so resistant to making friends and he was suspicious why she allowed it in the first place. He knew he wouldn't like the answer so tried to ignore it, just like the rest of his life.

He was even thankful for the voices for once, as the majority seemed interested in the new guest, acting as very weird babysitters. He hadn't been here when the babybones was awake but he assumed they did so, from the slight movement they did.

He was just coming back from another tiring 'fight' with the Creator when he was bombarded with noise.


I'm pretty sure children don't sleep that long..?

Poor baby. They are shivering!

What are you waiting for, Thread? Do something!

Error winced at the noise but finally managed to parse through the words. Staggering over to the child his hand hovered over them and he cursed at the heat he could feel coming off them. He tried to shake them awake and grew alarmed at how little they reacted.

" Do not do this to me, babybones! Wake up, wake up wake up wake up! "

He almost cried in relief at seeing their sockets open but froze at their next words.

"Yo-u h-ave a tw-in?"

Error looked at their Strings again and paled at how they were all starting to grey. Quickly going through their Code he wanted to scream at how useless it was but was thankful he finally found the main issue. Their SOUL was barely hanging on and even the basic care bond that had formed between them was starting to glitch out. That was not a good sign!

He nearly heaved when he felt more burning from his chest and scowled at the 'ceiling', knowing she was doing this on purpose. He was sure if he was truly alone the child would fade but he thankfully wasn't.

" SHIT, you don't look good! I need help now! I am not equipped for this. Hang on. Ok? "

"Go a-way. N-ap ti-me"

Ignoring the nonsensical words he braced himself for pain from contact and lifted them up, making a portal straight for Nightmares place. He might not have time to look after them but thankfully the other was much more 'free' in their actions.

S̷̲͗ṯ̶̇̅ringVerse Multiverse

Location: Nightmares Castle

Error made sure to hold tight to the babybones and flinched as they put their skull near his neck. This was too much contact and he could feel himself wanting to Crash but he refused!

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