Chapter 73- (Daemons Multiverse)

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Karma leaves this dull AU but he doesn't think it was worth it...the new Daemon was cool though


Daemons Multiverse

Sans had decided to actually see his old man in person for once. It had been weeks since he last dropped off some daily essentials, that without he feared the other would starve to death. Paps had also been pestering him to check on them, so with that thought he entered his AU, feeling nostalgia after being away for so long.

He knew Gaster was not the most social monster so was rather surprised that when he entered the house there were children's toys scattered about. He even spotted old items from when he and Paps were babybones.

Did the other make a kid again? He thought they swore off it after having the two of them.

' I don't like this, Sans'

" I know, Dromir. Hopefully this will be sorted out soon"

Hearing noise in the kitchen he entered, seeing Gaster staring out the window, while Grey glanced at them both before turning back.

"Hey guys, feeling a tad bone -ly from this reception. What's up with you?"

"SANS! I am surprised you came over. Didn't you say you had to go to that meeting with 'Splash'?"

"It's Ink Pops. What do you have against the guy?"

Incoherent muttering was all he heard and he sighed at his Pops stubbornness. At least he knew where he got it from. High pitched laughter silenced Gaster, making them stare outside once again.

"Any visitors i should know about?...Pops?"

He didn't like the guilty shifting or the silence, so stood beside Gaster, trying to spot what they had been looking at.

" that a babybones?"

"Yes, they have been here a few weeks. I almost forgot how much work they were but it has been nice"

"Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped!"

He was slightly hurt at this being kept from him, as he thought their family had gotten better at secrets. It might have been painful but he felt so much lighter, after admitting to the RESETS and the other AU's out there.

Gaster fully turned to him, letting him see that their eyelights had turned purple, silencing his further protests. He felt Dormir brush against him, their tail high in the air and swaying in agitation. What had happened when he had been away?

"I just got them used to me being in the same room as me, Sans. I feared what adding more monsters would do..their magic is unique"

This helped to calm Sans down, as he was rather used to the truly odd magic others could have, unlike Gaster.

"Their magic feels at times similar to yours, Sans"

"Impossible. Ink is way too picky on who he 'created' to have it. We would have been told"

"....Would he really tell you?...I'm not going to argue this right now, Sans. I am more worried about who their parents could be. Have you heard anything?"

"No..they could be an Outcodes kid?"


He could see this wouldn't get anywhere soon so headed outside, straight for the kid. He would try to get his answers straight from the source.

"SANS! This isn't the best ide-"

"It will be fine. Tibi -honest i'm hurt you don't trust me in this"

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