Chapter 41- (SevenSins Multiverse)

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What was Ink thinking when Karma appeared?


SevenSins Multiverse

Ink was an ancient being, there was no denying that. Dream may have thought he knew exactly how long Ink had been alive but the other was way off in his guess. Ink had been one of the first to be chosen as a Power and he had seen a lot since then.

The world had been very primitive back then and he had not learned how to hide his rather bold new features. He had wandered the land for years alone, being seen as many things by the mortals. He had been worshipped as a God and just as often was seen as the devil himself.

He saw no issues with these roles being thrust upon him and he often played into them, every chance he got. It made him briefly forget that there was truly no one else like him and filled in the void of loneliness that continued to grow.

He started to create emotional distance from the mortals and continued with the motions, with no feeling in his actions. He often lied to the other Powers about not remembering this period in his life. That was due to how miserable those days used to be and how even the memories made his SOUL feel cold.

When he felt his hope close to fading, that is around the time he met Error. It had been exciting when he met another like him and even their black boned and multicoloured wings, further separated them from the usual monsters.

He had been so pleased to meet them that it was a shock when he first spotted them a growl had built up in his throat and his magic prepared to attack. He managed to restrain this weird impulse but it seemed the other couldn't, thus started years of endless battles with no clear end in sight.

Their battles had been helpful to learn the more intricate part of his powers and it eventually led to them being able to stand in the same room as each other. Just when he thought this was the new normal, he sensed others like him suddenly appearing. When he went to the source he found two monsters that were clearly related, shaking in hunger and living alone in an abandoned village.

He felt drawn towards both twins and he noticed so did Error, who had followed him on his journey. He eventually learnt their names and aided them in controlling their instincts towards others and each other.

He also grew more fascinated by the twins as it seemed their forms could switch around. One day Nightmare would have antler like horns but the next Dream would have some instead. He found it amusing how Dream never realised and wondered how long it would take for them to notice.

Around this time he had also become more able to hide his extra features, which coincidentally made the others more relaxed around him. He was unsure why his form inspired such extreme emotions in others, but he would rather not scare away his new interests so soon.

Time passed on and the mortals had assigned names to what they were. He had felt a click in his SOUL when they spoke a certain name, making him finally feel complete. He was more at ease after this and even his magic seemed to purr at finally being fully understood.

He further noticed how the twins Powers differed to his own or Errors. This odd fact was confirmed when he sensed the next Powers and saw what they could do. He also took note that the others were chosen as pairs and were often found near each other. Ink observed these pairs were more stable and had easier time learning their Powers. He had tried to be friendly to the new Powers but it always seemed his presence alone overwhelmed them, even when he restricted his magic.

He had kept trying each time but only felt his sorrow increase, at never being able to truly connect to any of the Powers. Even Error barely tolerated him, no matter how hard he tried. He slowly started hiding more of his features till at first glance, he came across as an eccentric monster. Around this time Dream had slowly gravitated towards him but Ink was puzzled when they mistook him for a Virtue.

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