Chapter 20- (Blueberror Multiverse)

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How Blueberror came to be and the odd monster he found


Sans never thought there was much else to their simple life. He set up traps waiting for the human and went home to Papyrus at the end of the day. He had a very scheduled life and was happy with how it went, until the Destroyer changed his life. He had heard rumours about a black boned monster that dusted all he saw till no one was left. No one knew who originally shared the story but he had thought it was only a tale to scare the monsters still in stripes.

That was sadly not true as he soon found out, when strings surrounded him and dragged him away from his broken world. He watched all he knew collapse before the portal fully closed, trapping him with his captor.

He had no idea where he had found himself and had been wary of what the other would do to him, so never asked. He was constantly kept in the others strange magic and held in place. He watched as his captor knitted small puppets and watched a strange show using their magic. The white surroundings had started to hurt his eyelights, so he mainly focused on the Destroyer and the items surrounding him.

He had paled when he first saw the SOULS hanging up high. He was further horrified when he was told the puppets were filled with monster dust. That fear slowly faded when he learnt more about his captor.

He observed how they rarely left the space he was taken to and he never saw any other monster visit. When he was dragged to sit on a spare bean bag, to watch Undernovela with Error, he believed the other to be lonely. Sans was convinced the other wanted a friend, so that's why he had been taken.

The other also started to interact with him and even started calling him Blue. He had asked what was wrong with his name but after being shown how many other alternatives there were of him, it made him understand quickly.

Not much had changed with this revelation but Error seemed to slowly relax around him and even removed the strings holding him still. It all came to a head when Error showed him how he killed other monsters in AU's. While alarming Blue still said he would be his friend, no matter what.

Error hadn't seemed happy with his words and had lowered one of the hanging SOULS, explaining the concepts of RESETS. Errors said he had attacked Blue universe on purpose and had only waited for the right moment. The Destroyer then attacked him but he refused to fight back.

This is when he made the worst mistake of his life. He had told Error he should not be afraid of being friends with him. The rage clouding Errors features frightened Blue and it got worse when he was left alone in the pure white space.

He had started walking trying to find Error but it was a fruitless effort. He wept and screamed for the Destroyer to come back, but no one ever came. His body started to change, starting to mimic the monster who had dragged him into this new hell. He was all alone and had stopped trying to leave a long time ago.

When felt his mind start to deteriorate it made him snap back into the present. He finally saw what his arms looked like and could see the glitches floating around him. His magic no longer had that bouncy fun feeling he was used to. It felt more volatile and prickly.

He remembered Error making portals and wondered if his changed magic would aid him to escape. He failed many times but was relieved when he finally saw an exit. He sprinted from his prison, admiring the colours and noises surrounding him.

He was unsure what to do now when a strange human, who was only black and white, welcomed him to the Omega Timeline. They were called Core Frisk and were a helpful friend in the early days of his new life. The place he ended up was apparently for monsters to live, who had managed to survive the Destroyer or other tragedies.

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