Chapter 54- (Ḁ̷͈͛n̶̜̻̳̑̎̕t̶͓̋̽ȉ̴̭͎͉V̵̧̮̫͝o̶̲̱̓̈́̕ǐ̴̭̬͜d̸̡̘̆̌̐)

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Error had been in the AntiVoid for so long he started to loose himself. That is when a gift appeared


Error had been alone for so long in the AntiVoid. He was pretty sure he had managed to reach the end of the one in his multiverse and had started going through others. That alone had helped him keep track about how long this torture had been going on. He remembered early on feeling betrayed and angry, when Nightmare helped Ink put these shackles upon him, but now he was numb to it.

The pain was constant from his neck and his hands were bound, making them unable to grab his magic strings from under his eyes. They even robbed him of his voice, making him bewildered at how dangerous they thought he was, even with just his voice.

In the early days he had stayed where they had thrown him into the AntiVoid, watching through a portal Ink kept open, to show all that he would miss. He was unsure why he had stayed but in the end was glad, as he watched the multiverse never learn true peace.

The so-called 'alliance' between the Bad Sans and the Star Sans was short lived, as with no common enemy, fights soon broke out again. He was amused at how much damage they did compared to his more efficient destruction of AU's. He was entertained at how Ink was even busier than with him, as it was much easier for them to create an AU, then fix all the small damages.

Error soon left his spot, fearing they would try and bring him back. He saw the glint in Inks sockets, which never boded well for him. He would rather stay in the AntiVoid for eternity then go along with their plans.

He walked on in the white, occasionally passing by his other variants and even the occasional monster, who could survive this white hell. None spared him more than a glance and most turned the other direction, whenever he was near. He would like to say he didn't resent them, but he did.

His mind was breaking at the isolation and restriction of his magic, making him fall into the mindset his high LOVE granted him. He could no longer contain the pressure that would alert others to him being a dangerous monster and Error no longer cared to even try.

He could only feel pain and his mind falling into complete madness, expecting any day to finally lose his last bit of sanity.

One day he spotted some colour making him stop in his never ending journey. He got closer, unsure who it could be and was relieved it wasn't a Fresh. They made his LOVE spike, no matter if he was currently magicless. His strength was still here and he had almost dusted a few this way, at the start.

They had sadly gotten smarter and stayed away but perhaps a new one hadn't gotten the memo. Hopefully this would break the monotony and satisfy his LOVE at the same time.

He was unsure what to do when he realised the colour was a pile of pillows with a tiny monster, sleeping on top. Not many would want to stay, let alone sleep in this place. The AntiVoid could do strange things to your mind, as he knew well.

He dropped to his knees, ignoring how the vibration jostled his broken ribs. Looking them over they didn't look like they had been imprisoned like him, so why were they here? The flutter of wings caught his attention and he admired how they starkly contrasted with the white of his surroundings. He stared at how the tiny chest rose and fell, seeming in peace.

Was this a gift from the deities themselves? It did look like a mini angel had been placed in his path for a reason after all. His bound hand hovered over their back, unsure if he would Crash. It had been so long since he had touched anything, without him the thought of violence. His glitches were not as active as they used to be but it didn't mean they wouldn't come back.

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