Chapter- 91 (S̷̲͗ṯ̶̇̅ringVerse)

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Κarma gets more stable and meets one of Errors friends



Nightmare was relaxing with a book in the library, happy to finally have some alone time. His subordinates were out causing trouble and he was enjoying the peace. It was such a rare thing that he savoured every instance he got.

He looked up as he heard footsteps come closer, unsure who was already back. He swiftly dropped his book and got up from his chair, when he spotted the babybones out of bed yet again . He reached them, just as they looked to be about to scratch their way to their SOUL and picked them up.

"I d-n't fee-l good, br-ther"

It was a good thing he had started to carry around food, ever since Horror joined, as they did not look like they would be awake much longer. He sat back in the chair with the child and took out some soup from his inventory.

"Eat up. You have been sleeping for a while"

He was glad that an items condition didn't change in his inventory, so the soup was still warm and simple enough to feed the child. Their diet had been mainly soup, as they never stayed awake long enough to get anything more solid.

"Slow down. Your body won't be able to take more, little one"

He let them finish the soup and shuddered as their negativity grew, feeling a tentacle appear, before he forcibly pushed it back. He did not need this right now.

"You should be back in bed, little one"


"I don't think you are well enough fo-"

"Pls-e, br-ther?"

Nightmare felt weak whenever they called him that and started to recite the story of Fluffy Bunny. His brother used to love it, as it was one of the few books he could find in the library that the villagers didn't care if he took he would have 'infected' the rest with his evilness if he touched them.

The story easily came back to him but he stuttered as they nuzzled into his chest. He swiftly continued though, when he sensed their worry.

When he felt them go limp in his arms he hugged them tighter, letting his tentacles come out and curl around them as well. He hoped Error would come over soon, he was getting tired of not knowing what to do he was getting attached .


It was another two weeks before he witnessed a significant improvement to their condition. Walking behind Horror he had to abruptly stop, as they stuttered to a halt. Looking over their shoulder he spotted the babybones but this time their bones looked much healthier, even if their eyeslight was still fuzzy.


"I'm glad you are up, little one"

He twitched at sensing their disappointment and knew they were finally coherent enough to realise the truth. It hurt much more than he thought it would but he quickly shook that off.

He crouched down to pick them up and took them to the kitchen for food. He would try and get a more substantial meal in them, as their bones were looking a bit too thin for his liking.

In his rush, he put them on a chair, not thinking about how they weren't fully up to strength. He thankfully grabbed them before they fell off the chair but could feel his SOUL race at the scare.

He ignored the rest of the room, as he put them on his lap and quietly thanked Horror for the plate of food.

"Eat up"

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