Chapter 159 - (%@£!** Multiverse)

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Error tried to get back his stuff and 'accidentally' unleashes the odd babybones onto everyone else. Sharing is caring after all~



Error glared over at the little thief as they slept peacefully, sitting in another bean bag as his current one was occupied by the still sleeping babybones. He frustratingly continued to knit some new puppets, doubting he would be getting any of his back soon with how they were being hoarded.

It was like the babybones was a mini dragon, especially with the way they had sleepily growled when he tried to extract his puppets from their grip and the new scorch mark on his sleeve when the child's magic lashed out only confirmed it.

He wouldnt be surprised if Ink had created something like that without telling anyone, smirking at the thought of throwing them under the bus in the next Truce meeting for doing something without informing the Council. He had been wary when the Truce had been introduced but now he got to make abominations cry without having to go out of his way!

He ignored how Dream tried to lecture him after each meeting, not willing to deal with the golden idiot for longer then was required.

He adjusted his glasses and picked a red wool to finish his puppet, grunting in approval at the Fell Sans he finished and throwing a string to hang it high up with the others. He was deeply considering moving all of his things to hide it better from people but the sheer effort put him off, thinking it would be easier to just convince the babybones to stop stealing his stuff.

Surely it wouldn't be hard to do that? He was the Destroyer. Still feared in many AU's. He could easily deal with a single child.


%@£!** Multiverse

"Where is Ruru?! He promised he would come and play today!"

"For the last time, Ink, we are in a meeting and he promised no such thing!"

Dream sighed in exasperation, eye twitching at the pitying glance his brother sent him as was the rest of the room. He saw Red mouth the name 'Ruru' before smirking, deeply hoping for their sake they never repeated that nickname in front of Error.

He knew Ink was fully capable of painting back any limbs that may go 'missing' during 'play time' with the Destroyer and was much hardier than most monsters, so they could deal with Errors mood. That ability did not transfer to anyone else, tired of having to save monsters from Errors anger.

Even his brother had admitted to giving up and just making sure to stay out of Errors way when they went on raids in the past and he personally didnt blame them, still thinking it was a miracle Error even agreed to come to these weekly Truce meetings.

He looked down at Ink, watching with a tired gaze when they tried to drink more paint and having a brief thought of just letting it happen, feeling he was not getting paid enough for this.

"Oo! I wonder what would happen if i drink all the colours but do it upside down?!"

...It truly was a mystery to how this was the Creator, the same one who could go toe to toe with Error and some days come out victorious.

"You would throw up, Ink. You've done this before. Multiple times. Look at the writing on your scarf!"

Nightmare leaned far away from Dream, briefly fearing they were about to snap and summoning his magic in case he needed to make a quick exit. It said something about Ink that the centuries of battle against him didnt cause Dream to lose their cool but this did, truly impressed by Dreams' self control that they had dealt with this so long without issue.

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