Chapter 45- (Human DreamSwap Multiverse)

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Karma wanders through the forest alone until a winged being finds him. Karma enjoyed the nicer place to stay


Human DreamSwap

Karma looked up at the clear blue sky, feeling the urge to curse at all known gods for what was happening to him. He supposed he could start with himself, since he technically was one now. He did accept Reaper's offer after all.

Speaking of, were Reaper variants cursed or something? Or was it just when it pertained to him? Serves him right for being too friendly, this definitely felt like a punishment.

Out of all the reasons he was currently displeased, the main one was being in a human body again. It had been too long since he had reincarnated as one and he definitely preferred his skeleton body....Well, he wasn't quite as human as before, so that was a small plus. For some reason his wings were still here, making him happy his best feature had stayed with him.

His body wasn't the only issue he had with his situations. While he could get used to it, as he did before, the wings counted as a major problem as well. While monsters could be cruel he had observed how much harsher humans could be to their own kind. Especially if they were different. Hopefully when he further checked out the new place he was in others would look similar.... or his stay was going to get rather uncomfortable.

Out of all the species he had been in his life, he was certain that humans were the most savage he had met. It hardly took much to push them over the edge and mob mentality was horrifying to witness. Perhaps he was being pessimistic, but he knew too much to push that thought away.

Leaning against a tree he tried to get used to how he could feel the air travel into his was a tad gross. Looking at his hands again he frowned at how squishy they felt. There was too much give for his liking and he was kind of terrified he was going to break his new limbs.

While skeleton monsters were not solid and did have some give to their bones, it was nothing like this. He shivered when he swore he felt his new organs, in a space he was used to being empty. It was a good thing he had been human before, otherwise he would be nowhere near as calm about this. He doubted even Ink would enjoy this experience.

Feeling he had spent enough time wallowing, he decided to try and open his inventory space. That turned out to be a big mistake when a burning sensation took over his body....Just how weak was this body? While most would have stopped at the pain Karma persevered and grabbed a mirror, so he could at least see his new form. Holding the object in his hand he took a deep breath then put it near his face.

Huh....not as bad as he was expecting. He was very pale and even his hair was pure white. It made him feel much more comfortable in his body, as it reminded him of his bone colour. Now his new eyes were going to be another issue. His left eye had a dark red iris, that was darker then he had seen in albinos but he could still work with it. It was his usual unlit socket that worried him.

He could still see out of it, even with the bizarrely white iris. He was sure at first glance he would look blind, making him bemoan at another thing others would judge him for. He had barely been here ten minutes and the problems just kept mounting.

He put the mirror back and cursed at his lack of food. That last world had been rather devoid of the specific food he ate and he refused to test his tolerances to new food again. At least the Sin Ink didn't try and force feed him. His wings fell when he realised his magic feedings would be stopped again.

He started fiddling with his scarf, trying to think what to do, when his fingers brushed over the cookie pin. He brought it closer to his face and eyed it suspiciously. It looked like a shiny jewel in the light but he was sure it had lit up while he was in the Void. He was getting more suspicious of it and was almost tempted to throw it, but he hesitated.

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