Chapter 79- (FGOC Multiverse)

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Heart (Sans from Underlust) meets the babybones and Oneiro


FGOC Multiverse

Heart logically understood why he was avoided by the others but it still hurt that he was judged for things that were outside of his control. Even the nickname they tried to give him was belittling, Lust, as if that was all he was and ever would be.

He hated that his AU was called Underlust and the reputation it had gained with the other AU's. He remembered at first being so excited when he had been invited to join the Council and learn more about the multiverse.

That excitement quickly fled with the harsh words and dirty glances he was gifted, as soon as others learned where he was from. It had been demoralising but he refused to break under them. He refused to apologise for what he had to do, in order to survive in his messed up AU. He would like to see them survive what he had!

So many blind Judges he was near, no matter that they thought that they were superior to him. He was disgusted by them all.

Heart had continued going to the meetings and eventually even made friends with a few others, which had made his SOUL feel light at being proven not everyone was so narrow minded.

Things had been looking up for him but that was until that damn Original ruined everything!

He had been disorientated when he had suddenly found himself in a basement and bewildered at seeing so many alternate Sans in the house. Learning that they were stuck here and that even the Creator had no idea what was happening, was not great news.

It hardly helped that alternates from places he had never heard of started to appear, further elevating his stress.

The weeks passed and he had settled into a routine, making sure to avoid the majority of his new 'house mates', especially the irritating Fell. It's like they didn't understand boundaries and thought he would be 'weak' just because of where he came from!

He had been quick to show them the error of their ways but with the way their stare never wavered from him, he doubted they got the message.

When another week passed he was unsurprised when another monster was dragged into Sans mess, even if he didn't recognise the large winged being. He was prepared for the usual scorn or derision, once he introduced himself like Sans insisted, so was rather surprised at receiving a rather cordial greeting from the being called Sol.

"Nice to meet you, Heart. I look forward to getting to know you~"

While he was used to the words, the playful way they were said, with none of the demeaning gaze was refreshing. He was so glad his brother wasn't here though, knowing they would take this much harder then him. He had done his best to protect his brother from the other AU's and if that meant acting more into the assigned 'role' others expected of him, then so be it.

Another month passed in the house that was getting rather crowded with all the new monsters. He had long since ignored all of Sans reassurances, knowing they were lies. No one seemed to have any idea what was going on and he doubted the 'all powerful' original knew any better.

He did manage to meet up with the Creator though and was surprised at how quiet they were, compared to all the stories he had heard. He rarely saw them at Council meetings, with Dream often saying it was better to keep them away, due to their hyperactive energy. He was slightly ashamed he had bought into those rumours, knowing that others had said much worse things about him.

Heart was pleasantly surprised at how much he enjoyed spending time with the quiet artist and felt himself able to relax for the first time since being stuck here. He even started spending everyday with them, when hiding away from the majority of the others.

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