Chapter 136- (SwApDr̸̡̋͒E̵͈͆ǎ̵͈̕M̸̜̬̻̂̒ Multiverse)

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The monster, who later became Eclipse, had a rough start to life and his journey didnt get any easier


SwApDr̸̡̋͒E̵͈͆ǎ̵͈̕M̸̜̬̻̂̒ Multiverse

Nightmare had never liked his name, even when he first heard it from the stupid tree he refused to call it mother, he had felt uneasy at being bestowed such a name. His twin had tried to cheer him up about it, saying it didn't necessarily have to be purely negative but he hadn't been swayed.

He usually kept his darker thoughts to himself, much preferring when his name was shortened or even the cute nicknames Dream insisted on, feeling much more like a person and less like a blight on the earth.

He had no clue why he felt like this, never sensing these sort of feelings in his twin, so he pushed it back and soldiered on, doing his best to ignore them.

The years passed by with just the two of them, their time mainly spent exploring and searching for the ripest fruit.

It was fine but he still felt the odd emptiness inside him, no matter what he did.

He felt he could have eventually learned to deal with it or ignore it , already having to push it deep down to keep Dream from worrying...that was until those disgusting villagers arrived.

Dream had been the one to greet them, their bubbly personality having been well liked while his shyer nature was much more shunned. It only grew worse when the new residents realised what his official title was, feeling the despair inside him grow at the vile emotions that were now directed towards him.

He wasn't used to this, his twin having always been happy to see him but this was all sorts of painful to endure.

Just because he was the Guardian of Negativity, didn't mean he enjoyed or wanted negativity to thrive, no matter the accusations that were now constantly thrown at him.

He kept what he endured a secret of course, having seen just how happy Dream was to be around other living creatures. They had both seen plenty of animals of course but people just seemed to make Dreams' aura shine, with them looking far more alive than he had ever seen them. He refused to take that away from them, so endured in silence, hiding the bruises and injuries left behind from the many 'visits' from the villagers.

That the villagers had even dared to make a more permanent settlement not far from their home after only being here a few months, was outright alarming. He was unsure how to bring it up to Dream, without hurting his twin with his observations, so again decided to stay quiet.

He was resigned that this is how his life would go, so was honestly shocked when Dream somehow noticed something was wrong.

"N-Night? What is this? Why do you have bandages?"

"It's nothing! I'm fin-"


He shivered at the rage in their voice, spotting the instant remorse for scaring him before they darkly glared towards the small village nearby. Dreams' eyes flashed a deep orange as it had randomly done throughout their childhood , both twins unsure what the colour change could mean.


Nightmare had been tense after the confrontation, unsure what Dream would do and was rightfully wary when they smiled brightly at him, gently patting him on the head before promising to 'sort everything out'.

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