Chapter 35- (Raven Multiverse)

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Ink has odd ideas and Karma has fun


Raven Multiverse

Karma was so comfy but he felt he was missing something. Stretching his limbs after his short nap he looked around, finally remembering he was staying with Ink and Dream. It seems it had not taken long for his alternate 'parents' to tire of him. It was almost impressive how quickly it had happened. This must at least beat the record for this life.

He started reaching for his neck and let out a whine when he couldn't find his scarf. Ink soon popped into view and came over to the sofa he was on. He was holding his scarf walking over to him. It was wound around his neck, making him feel much more grounded.

"I got some more chocolate, it's on the table. Feel free to grab it whenever you want".

He had spotted that as soon as he awoke but he was suspicious. Until proven otherwise he wasn't touching it. He has been in this situation too recently to forget to be wary. His space was suddenly invaded as Ink confidently grabbed him and held him tight. He flared his wings in irritation at the sudden movement but easily settled down.

"Let's go meet the grumpy octopus! With your cuteness he can't turn me away. Dream isn't here to stop me now!".

Karma perked up at the nickname. Were they going to see NIghtmare? So many books for him to read. He didn't notice his eyelight turn to a star but Ink did.

"Perfect! Make sure to have that look when we see him".

Ink threw black ink on the ground, jumping through and entering straight into Nightmares castle. He knew he wasn't supposed to do so but it was so much quicker like this! He had to quickly duck, when a knife headed towards him.

"Twitchy! How rude. I even brought a guest. Aren't they adorable?!".

Killer knew it was a mistake to stay at the castle today. Inks energy seems especially manic today and he despaired at what he was going to deal with. He scowled at the nickname and was about to spit out some choice words, when he choked at seeing what was in Ink arms.

"What's wrong, twitchy? Oh! This is Karma. Doesn't the outfit suit them!".

Now Killer loved cats and the small being dressed like that and looking at him in pure disdain, was definitely up there in cuteness. Even the way their wings were puffing out made him think of disgruntled cats. This image violently warred with the thought of Ink having procreated. He would let the Boss deal with this, he was leaving.

"Bye twitchy! He is super jumpy when I am around. I've always wondered why. Let's go find Nightmare!".

Ink was sprinting through the corridors making Karma laugh in utter glee. He hadn't had so much fun in a while. The Creator suddenly stopped at a large wooden door and kicked it open, making it crash against the walls.

"Nightmare! Look who I brought over. Now you have to let me stay. Dream? When did you arrive?".

Both twins merely sighed in answer, causing Ink to laugh. They really were too similar!

Nightmare had been enjoying the rare alone time with his twin. They had slowly started reconnecting over the years and now made sure to meet up at least once a week to catch up. He had never allowed Ink to stay for long in his home, after the mess he had left the first time. His eyelight regarded the smaller monster being held by the Creator.

His mouth twitched at the outfit and the curious gleam in their eyelight, when glancing at his books. He had listened to Dream worry about not knowing much about Karma so thought he could easily remedy that issue. He questioned the others intelligence for not having asked yet.

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