Chapter 71- (Daemons Multiverse)

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Karma is fascinated by the SOULS of this new place but loneliness is starting to creep in. Perhaps this new monster is the solution?



It was soothing being in pure darkness again. No one around him to make him question things and even his role was silent for once, no longer bombarding him with information on the multiverse he was in. It was nice and why couldn't he stop the tears from flowing?

No matter how hard he wiped them they just came straight back. Maybe a nap would help......

He awoke, unsure when he had laid down or how long it had been in this perpetual darkness. Perhaps he should leave this place soon, who knows what effect this could have on him. Standing up he stretched his wings, feeling a smile form at the lights coming off his feathers but soon fading as his emotions churned.

This place did seem to block the bond but he did admit to growing a bit lonely.

It was as if that was a signal as soon his pin lit up, opening a portal. He stood still, wary of entering but pushed past the fear to walk through. He couldn't stay here forever no matter how much easier it would be.

Daemons Multiverse


As soon as he stepped through he realised he had ended up in the middle of the street but thankfully no one seemed to be paying attention to him. He would like some time to acclimatise to this new place first, before he was forced to interact again. Walking away from the closing portal he looked around, not spotting anything particular that stood out to him.


It was as he passed by another monster next to an animal, that he realised what had been pinging in his senses. It seemed here that everyone had their SOUL out in display, but in a much different form than he was used to.


The 'animals' all varied from each other and he was curious how their form was decided. Some children ran past and he watched in awe as one persons 'animal' changed from a cat to a bird, in one smooth motion. This place was truly grabbing his interest.


He did have to get somewhere else soon though, as he could feel the eyes on him, most likely searching for his 'animal'. He so far had not spotted anyone else like him so turned into an alleyway, making sure he was hidden from the masses.


Looking at his chest he hummed, having a pretty good idea why his wasn't coming out, so wasn't worried. Karma was instead darkly amused, almost tempted to force it out but ignored the urge, to instead make sure he was invisible to mortals.


He wondered whether having the SOULS so separate from the body would affect how others perceived him. Would they be more sensitive to his magic or would their reactions be more dulled? So many questions such wonderful distractions .

He took out his bear from his brother, cuddling it tight for comfort. He felt the magic from it sweep over him and relaxed into the feeling. The intent was helping to soothe his nerves and he knew this was one thing he could easily know to be true. At least this couldn't be faked.

Beating his wings he flew into the air, hovering over the streets, happy to watch the world passing by. It seemed like such a large weakness to have your SOUL so exposed but perhaps they were benefits. He would just have to wait and see.

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