Chapter 52 - (Oneiros Path Part 5)

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Oneiro meets the Sins and Virtues, happy to unleash them on the multiverse. He grows worried when he ends up in a white space.


SevenSins Multiverse

He left the portal, whistling at how productive that last multiverse was. He had heard that Reaper's weapon was going to take years to reform and thought that was a mild punishment, as he wanted to do much worse. He didn't dust anyone in the end, as that was a concession he reluctantly agreed to in exchange for lessons. If he happened to meet them again though, that was a different matter entirely~.

This new place felt very charged and he didn't feel any AU's. He was sure this was his first singular universe and he was curious what else was different. The destructive energy he could feel in the air was high, which was very unusual.

Perhaps this place went in cycles for Creation and Destruction... or was someone being naughty~.

He passed by a few villages and was impressed at the damage. They looked fresh and he badly wanted to meet who had done this. He skipped happily to the right when he sensed emotions nearby, but it was odd how they felt.

He spotted an Ink but weirdly he only sensed greed from them. He dodged an attack from behind and twisted around to face his attacker. The wings on this Error were rather eye-catching, making him tempted to rip them off to keep for himself. Perhaps he could start collecting unique wings?

His brother did say he should have a hobby and he was sure his crow would love to see the colourful feathers~.

Oneioro ducked another attack and knew if he didn't trust his senses he would have been injured. Absence was a very strange emotion to solely feel but he didn't have long to contemplate it, before he was pinned on his back, by a rather feral looking Ink. Their horns looked rather deadly and the way they were dripping a black substance everywhere was strangely beautiful.

He let himself be restrained and felt them searching through his clothes for something. The longer they searched, the variety of emotions he felt from them grew. Oneiro could see sanity return to their eyelights and pouted at how predictable they would now become. When Ink touched Karmas feathers he grew more serious and he was ready to rip them off him, when a questioning chirp from the Ink made him calm down.

"These are from my child. I was following them and it has led me here. Have you seen them?"

"These are K ar m a's feat hers. Envy t hr ew them in the bla ck". The words were snarled and slightly distorted, but he understood.

" The thing wanted to die, so thought this was the way to do it. We won't allow it that freedom. They must suffer for their transgressions''

Such ruthless variants he had found. He even sensed how Ink fully agreed with Error, which was rare.

He started to soak the surroundings with his magic, wanting to drag them to sanity faster. He was getting close to his goal, he felt it in his bones.

"That is a wonderful punishment, it truly is. Can I perhaps meet this fellow? I need to have a with them~"

He was eyed suspiciously but was allowed to get up and then teleported by the Ink, to a dreary location. Feelings of misery drew him to the kneeling figure, that looked like a Reaper Sans.

Should he just start killing all Reapers he met? They all seemed to be rather large annoyances, when concerning his child. Crouching in front of the weird monster he wasted no time and started playing with their emotions.

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