Chapter- 100 (NeRd & JoCk Multiverse)

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The students find Mr Pale rather least their kid is cute?


Wow. At chapter 100 and still going. Never thought i would get this far but here we are!
Thanks for everyone's kind words and support, that made writing this fic so enjoyable 😸


NeRd & JoCk Multiverse

"I'm pretty sure he is an alien or a robot"

"Red! Shut up! What if he hears you?"

"I doubt he cares. Look at him. I swear he doesn't even emote unless it's with his kid!"

They all turned to stare at the corner of the gym court, where Mr Pale was crouching before his child holding a ball. They all collectively shivered at the soft expression that formed on their teachers face, when Karma caught the ball and chirped in glee.

"..that is unnatural. Does anyone else think that's weird?"

"Of course it's weird, PJ! I'm getting nightmares just from just seeing it!"

Their new P.E teacher had been here for weeks but they still hardly knew a thing about them and were shocked how they even got hired.The only obvious fact about them was their kid, who few were brave enough to get close to. Especially when Mr Pale 'smiled' at them with a rather sinister aura, asking them 'what they thought they were doing'.

It was also creepy how the other instantly knew their names and looked through them as if they saw all their sins. You couldn't hide anything from them and this made many double check, to make sure they didn't have eyes in the back of their skull.

The old P.E teacher had been fine last term but suddenly they were told he was retiring. They weren't even that old! Just what was going on?!

"..the kid is cute though. Gave me a chocolate bar when Mr Pale wasn't looking last week"

Gradient thought the pair were adorable together but it was weird seeing someone with his dads face act so differently. His dad swore they weren't related but he had his suspicions, which PJ readily agreed with. He sighed as Red spoke up, knowing he wasn't going to like what they said.

"Hey. Did you guys hear the rumour that Principal Reaper is terrified of Mr Pale?"

"..that would explain why we haven't seen them for you think he k-killed them?" Horror was a rather gentle monster, despite their appearance, so this talk wasn't helping their anxiety.

"Don't be stupid!"

"Thank you, PJ-"

"As if he would stay away from his child that long to commit a crime. I swear they are never seen apart!"

God, his brother was such a shit stirrer and they wondered why some people avoided them.Gradient stiffened as a ball flew past him, barely missing his face and was soon faced with Mr Pales unwavering attention.

"I thought I said to clean up..unless you want to play more dodgeball?"

They all shivered at the offer, all knowing it was more of a threat.

"We are sorry, sir! We shall get right to it"

Dodgeball was a feared game in the school. It used to be normal until Mr Pale stated it was 'too boring' and added some rather bizarre rules to it.

He was unsure who it was but he heard rumours that when someone tried to object to the 'rules', they were knocked out with a ball and had to be sent to the nurses office, with Mr Pale continuing on like nothing happened. Everyone was pretty sure the only reason it didn't happen again was Mr Pale liked to amuse his child by making them suffer in creative ways.

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